Feature #5338
Descendants (subtasks) should be available via REST API
Added by Matthew Schinckel over 14 years ago.
Updated almost 14 years ago.
app/views/show.xml.builder, line13:
xml.descendants do
@issue.descendants.each do |issue|
xml.descendant(:id => issue.id)
end unless @issue.leaf?
Similarly, in index.xml.builder, line 15:
xml.descendants do
issue.descendants.each do |descendant|
xml.descendant(:id => descendant.id)
end unless issue.leaf?
This would show a flat list of all descendants (not only children). How do you get parent/child relationships from that?
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 1.1.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
I don't see this information in the response when I send request to REST API:
GET /issues/441.xml
(I'm using latest Trunk Redmine, just did "svn up")
is it not implemented for xml format?
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