



Feature #549


Indicate issue dependencies in gantt

Added by Johan Regnell about 17 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


E.g. if Issue #1 precedes Issue #2, this is taken into account in the gantt by listing them after each other in time,

However - it would be nice if:
  • They were listed below each other (sequent row) and/or
  • Connected by a line or arrow

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #3436: Show relations in Gantt diagramClosed2009-06-02

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Cestari about 16 years ago

This issue was created almost a year ago, I don't see why no one has taken this or commented out.
It is a major issue when using redmine as a replacement for a desktop-file-based application like Microsoft Project, Openproj and such.

If anyone could help even I could give it a shot.

Actions #2

Updated by Alon Bar-Lev about 16 years ago

Yes, I think that gantt is unusable if it does not indicate task dependencies.

Also, the gantt does not show tasks without start time... But if we know that task1 is 40 hours and task2 is dependent on task1 and is 20 hours, we can produce reasonable gantt from this data.

Actions #3

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 16 years ago

Alon Bar-Lev wrote:

Also, the gantt does not show tasks without start time...

Unless these tasks (issues) are having their respective 'target version'-field set to a version which has a due date actually set, because then the issues are displayed in the Gantt-chart using their respective 'target version's due date.

This is implemented in r1455, thus available in the recently released Redmine 0.8.

Actions #4

Updated by Richard Schulte about 15 years ago

+ 1... This (issue dependencies in Gantt) would be a great feature for 1.0 ... wink wink

What are the main technical roadblocks to making this awesome feature a reality?

Actions #5

Updated by Jeffrey Jones about 15 years ago

Have a look at #4786 . Eric Davis is working on some new Gantt goodness by the looks of it.

Actions #6

Updated by Felix Faber almost 15 years ago

Jeffrey Jones wrote:

Have a look at #4786 . Eric Davis is working on some new Gantt goodness by the looks of it.

Will it show dependencies? I could not find it there. If it does, then +1 for #4786, if not, then this task +1!!! Thanks ;). Great project btw.

Actions #7

Updated by David Parker almost 15 years ago


It looks like you've closed scope for 1.0. Please consider for 1.1.

Actions #8

Updated by Amr Noaman over 14 years ago


It would really replace other tools like microsoft project, which I only use it for diagramming Gantt charts!

Actions #9

Updated by Louis Simons over 14 years ago

This and #4786 are the only big features allowing me to make a case for migrating my company's project to Redmine. Are there any development tasks a Ruby novice could help with in his spare time?

Actions #10

Updated by Daniel Schuba over 14 years ago


Actions #11

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 14 years ago

  • Category set to Gantt
Actions #12

Updated by Sam Kuper over 14 years ago


Actions #13

Updated by Kyle Plattner over 14 years ago


Actions #14

Updated by Mauro Gagna about 14 years ago

+1, I think this feature (issue/task dependencies in Gantt) is a must for a real use of Gantt chart and proyect planning.

Actions #15

Updated by Alexey Kuleshov about 14 years ago

Guys, please check my plugin It does exactly this - shows task dependencies with arrows on the gantt chart.

Actions #16

Updated by Pavel Shalagin about 14 years ago

Alexey -

Thank you. It looks great! But unfortunately (for me) it doesn't seem working with "gantt chart editting" patch #2024 - a very handy one as well indeed. Hopefully that edit feature will become a part of the trunk some day. So you could update the plugin appropriately.


Actions #17

Updated by Rodrigo Nanjarí about 14 years ago

Very useful extension, installed on my 1.1.1 redmine version with no problem.

thanks a lot!!

Actions #18

Updated by Alexey Kuleshov about 14 years ago

pavel ochman - yes I can update the plugin to work with patch #2024, it should not be difficult. But, the downside is that I'll have to maintain two versions of plugin until #2024 is in trunk.

I'll post an update here when this is available.

Actions #19

Updated by Alexey Kuleshov about 14 years ago

pavel ochman - I released v.0.2.1 compatible with patch #2024, you can download this version here

Please let me know how it works.

Actions #20

Updated by Aleksey Dubov over 13 years ago


Actions #21

Updated by Alex Lazar almost 13 years ago

Is there anyway this could be integrated into Redmine and not be an plugin? Seems like a pretty fundamental feature that everyone would benefit from.

Actions #22

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Fix description typo.

Actions #23

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 12 years ago

Johan Regnell wrote:

  • Connected by a line or arrow

I have posted a patch at #3436#note-22.

Actions #24

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Duplicate

Same as #3436 which was added in 2.3.0.


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