Feature #5552
closedspecial type of list for custom field - users
would be very handy to be able create custom fields with the list of users. should behave just like the standard field 'assigned to:' eg respect project boundaries. For us this would allow us to have other participants on a ticket esp "verified by:" without loosing sight of who actually did the work. Obviously don't want to be maintaining the list by hand.
Related issues
Updated by Darryl Winder almost 15 years ago
similar to but not identical to #5516
Updated by Darryl Winder almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
thanks alain - i think you are right , #2096 meets my requirements. obviously my searching skills weren't quite up to the job :) . If someone would kindly close this ticket ? Is the patch going into trunk ?
Updated by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Marked as duplicate of #2096, closed on user request.
@Darryl: Not sure how soon or even if (though I'd find it a worthy addition too), but the dev team priorities are at quite a different spot for the moment, so I wouldn't expect it too soon.