

Alain V.

  • Login: ava2009
  • Registered on: 2009-12-02
  • Last connection: 2015-06-23


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 5 5 10



17:28 Redmine Feature #20161 (New): Group Result / Several levels
It would nice to have the possibility to have several levels to group results in issue list.
At least 2 level.
Alain V.


13:21 Redmine Feature #1248: New Permission: Edit own issues
+1 please Alain V.


08:00 Redmine Feature #1248: New Permission: Edit own issues
A feature that we should have, please!
Alain V.


18:35 Redmine Feature #17500: Visibility/Use-ability/Creation Settings for Issue Trackers per Role per Project.
I fully support this.
In our organisation we do have a project with feature and defect and we would like the role ...
Alain V.


15:21 Redmine Feature #16478 (Closed): Several people involved / Mention someone
When you have several stakeholders around an issue (not only the person assigned) you may need the input of a specifi... Alain V.
15:15 Redmine Feature #3912: Add support for AND's and OR's in search
As mentionned by Jason : +1 Alain V.
15:14 Redmine Feature #1326: Add / edit an attachment description after upload
Quite useful +1 Alain V.
15:13 Redmine Feature #1248: New Permission: Edit own issues
+1 please for 3.0.0 Alain V.


15:36 Redmine Feature #2897: Tagging in Redmine
+1000 quite important to have this feature!
Multiple and Transverse possibility!
Alain V.


13:48 Redmine Feature #2859: Linked lists for custom fields
Any plan there? Anyone else has the same need? Alain V.

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