Feature #5644
closedAllow tickets to be assigned to several people
When dealing with a ticket, it is helpful to assign a single ticket to several people who may be working as a team, but not necessarily are in the same group (as I understand it, users cannot join groups by themselves). This way two users can easily collaborate.
Setting two assignees would be like setting two release dates - there would be a green plus icon to the right of the selection bar and when clicking on it would create a new drop down list, et cetera.
Related issues
Updated by Pedro Gutierrez almost 15 years ago
Honestly, I don't see the need for a specific feature like this. Perhaps if you provide additional details it might be clearer.
I'd suggest creating two related tickets. It might work in this case
Updated by Robert Nelson almost 15 years ago
First of all, if they aren't on the project, then they need to be non-assignable, especially in the case of non-public projects.
Secondly, if they are all on the project, then assign an owner and add the rest as watchers. This way everyone gets the update email, but one person is actually responsible anyway. IMHO, this works better than what you ask for and exists now.
Updated by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
This has already been discussed multiple times, the "most active" request being #408.
(Oh, and as an aside, I can't remember core being able to set multiple target versions, so I suppose you have a plugin for that.)