Feature #5653
openMy page - blocks
Hi guys,
Why my page uses <%= render :partial => "my/blocks/#{b}", :locals => { :user => user user } %> and every my/block/.. ignores the user variable? Why is passed? If I want to see my page of another user I have to rewrite all my blocks to use passed "user" variable and not "Issue.visible, user user, etc.". Thanks in advance. Petr
Updated by Petr Pospisil almost 15 years ago
- File _timelog.rhtml _timelog.rhtml added
There is a example of one block - timelog. The modification is easy - just delete "@" before "user". Do it at all :o).
Updated by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
As the name says: it's My Page, where you can see information pertaining to _your_self, if you want to see other things, use user-defined queries.
Updated by Petr Pospisil almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
so it is feature :(. So why user user is passed? Because it is my page?
"if you want to see other things, use user-defined queries." What? I am in admin role. I am using LDAP auth. How I can see what the user has on the my page?
Updated by Petr Pospisil almost 15 years ago
If it were written the way it was meant, so there would not be a problem to write my own plugin to switch "current identity" for my page. You said - yes we are sending a user variable to block, but we don't use it. And of course, it is not a bug, it is a feature. It is a Microsoft way.
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
- Resolution deleted (