Feature #5977
open"check status" feature to verify validity of Redmine installation and API access key
I suggest adding "check status" feature to Redmine REST API so I could verify:
1) the host name is valid and there's Redmine with REST API enabled at that location
2) the API access key is valid
Response from the server can include some info about the Redmine installation (e.g. Redmine version, some server health check/status, maybe the user name for the given Access Key, ...)
I tried getting list of projects to achieve goals 1 and 2, but the problem is that in some cases this request can timeout, e.g. this is what happens with demo.redmine.org site with plenty of projects (thousands?):
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://demo.redmine.org/projects.xml
My guess is that projects list is too long and demo.redmine.org server is too slow. Retrieving list of projects can potentially be a long-running operation, while "check status" can be completed in O(1) time.
Related issues
Updated by Gerrit Kaiser over 14 years ago
would doing a HTTP HEAD request on any resource that the API provides not accomplish what you're after?
Updated by Alex Last about 14 years ago
I see task #5901 describes similar feature.
HTTP HEAD on some random resource does not help with goal 2 I listed above
Updated by Nathan Cutler over 5 years ago
AFAICT the Redmine API has no way of validating whether a given API key is valid, short of actually attempting a write operation (POST, PUT, DELETE).
With the GitHub API, you can do:
curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/myuser/myrepo/pulls/19999?access_token=invalid { "message": "Bad credentials", "documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3" }
Would be great to have something like this in the Redmine API as well! Thanks for the cool software.