Defect #6099
closedSubtasks plugin with Debian redmine package 1.0.0-4
Unable to make the Subtasks plugin work.
I took several steps to overcome some problems:
1. In db/migrate/20090406213813_add_issues_parent_id_lft_and_rgt.rb
I had to comment out the following to get rake to run, as those fields seem to have been present -
def self.up # add_column :issues, :parent_id, :integer, :default => nil # add_column :issues, :lft, :integer # add_column :issues, :rgt, :integer end def self.down # remove_column :issues, :parent_id # remove_column :issues, :lft # remove_column :issues, :rgt end end
Then rake completed successfully.
Then issues would not display - which was fixed by the same fix as:
Then 403 errors on adding a new issue with the subtasks plugin
which was fixed by renaming the class from IssuesController to SubIssueController
Subtasks could not be added despite adding all permissions:
and added all permissions to no avail,
It looks like something along the lines of:
might fix the authorize problem, and/or the URLs need to call the the SubIssueController class rather than the IssueController class, but at that point, I'd have to learn Ruby... not enough time, and the subject matter of our projects is calling.
Can someone take these hints and get this plugin working and update the git? Or at least post a note on the main plugins page that its broken with 1.0. Thanks.
Versions we used:
redmine-sqlite 1.0.0-4
apt-show-versions ruby
ruby/sid uptodate 4.5
ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [i486-linux]
apt-show-versions rails
rails/sid uptodate 2.3.5-1
rails -v
Rails 2.3.5
apt-show-versions sqlite
sqlite/sid uptodate 2.8.17-6
sqlite3 --version
Thanks for Redmine.