



Feature #6643


real priorities

Added by Albert Rosenfield over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

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This is a slightly complex issue, but I wanted to air it anyway.

I'd like to see support for real priorities.

I don't mean the kind of priority that everyone else has, which is actually a severity level (1 thru 5, or named but similar levels).

With "real", I mean that if you take any two items on a prioritized list, one of them is always more important (= has higher priority) than the other.

Just like in the real world, when you create a prioritized list, every item has exactly one place on that list. No two items can reside at the same location in the prioritized list. (This is important.)

[Technically, in a database table, the priority-ranking column would be UNIQUE, so that there are as many values as there are issues.]

The same concept from the real world should be possible to perform in an issue tracker. Project coordinators (or another role) would have access to prioritize items, with the only limitation being that an issue cannot be prioritized above an issue which it is dependent upon (as obviously the dependency needs to be fixed first, thus the dependency must reside higher on the list of priorities).

Developers on a project would likely also have access to prioritize items, and any conflict should be resolved in the real world (or over irc, jabber, skype, etc) with the system's only responsibility being to send out an email to all involved parties when priorities have been changed.

[GUI-wise, prioritizing is best performed from a screen where the entire list of issues is present, such as http://redmine/projects/PROJECT/issues.]

[Example GUI layout: a click on an issue line brings out a button panel in a margin reserved for this on the right-hand side of the issue list. The panel contains the buttons "move up", "move down", "move before..." and "move after...". Clicking move up/down does the obvious, while clicking the "move before/after" buttons would pop up a dialog layer that asks which item to put the item before or after..]

I hope this makes sense (English is not my native language!), if not I'd be happy to try and explain better.


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