Feature #683
closedCross project reporting
Currently we are able to produce some very nice reports on each project. We'd like to be able to produce similar, or even custom, reports on all projects you are a member of.
We'd also like to list all the issues across projects as well. Similar to the "View all issues" in the "Issues assigned to me" on the "My page" page. Basically make these savable custom reports to run on a periodic basis.
Currently I am querying the database directly to find this information and providing the results in a CSV file for importing into Excel to provide pretty graphs for our meetings.
Updated by kim madsen almost 17 years ago
I'm new to redmine. It seems to be very cool.
I also would like the ability to make and save report on multible projects.
I can see that is has been earlier in Feature #301.
I any one working on this feature?
Updated by Thomas Capricelli over 16 years ago
I would love to have graphics comparing X for the different projects the current user has access to. X could be- # of opend/closed bugs
- commits
- overall activity
Updated by Daniel Felix over 12 years ago
Well, this could be already made.
Just go to "Projects" and select "All Tickets" and add some Filters like "Projekt" or "Assigned to...".
After defining this, just save those custom report and call it whenever you want. :-)