Defect #6943
closedMigration from boolean to varchar fails on PostgreSQL 8.1
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After upgrading to trunk revision 4411, I went ahead and attempted to migrate the database:
$ rake db:migrate (in /var/www/apps/redmine) == ChangeUsersMailNotificationToString: migrating ============================ -- change_column(:users, :mail_notification, :string, {:null=>false, :default=>""}) rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled: PGError: ERROR: column "mail_notification" cannot be cast to type "pg_catalog.varchar" : ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "mail_notification" TYPE character varying(255) (See full trace by running task with --trace)
I am running:
- Rails 2.3.5
- Ruby 1.8.7
- PostgreSQL 8.1
- Redmine r4411
Looks like PostgreSQL doesn't know how to cast a boolean to a varchar so db/migrate/20100129193402_change_users_mail_notification_to_string.rb isn't going to work on PostgreSQL as far as I can tell.
What values are the booleans expected to be cast to? I am guessing MySQL will cast false and true to '0' and '1' seeing how it doesn't have a boolean type.
The process for getting that in PostgreSQL (and probably other DBMS with boolean types) is a bit more complex than simply changing the column type. We're looking at something like:
ALTER TABLE users RENAME COLUMN mail_notification TO boolean_mail_notification; ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN mail_notification VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; UPDATE users SET mail_notification = '1' WHERE boolean_mail_notification = true; UPDATE users SET mail_notification = '0' WHERE boolean_mail_notification = false; ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN boolean_mail_notification;
Is that the expected behavior?