Feature #7043
closedGive user ability to generate changelogs
I've seen software like Jira and whatever else have this feature, and then I thought, this is actually a very useful feature, and Redmine should have it too. The ability to generate Changelogs from select version to version. Takes much of the hard work out of copy and pasting all the SVN changes manually, and makes it quicker to write your own Changelog, since you have the changes.
Related issues
Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago
Why don't you export alls tickets fot version x as txt amd reformat it as changelog ?
Updated by Ве Fio about 14 years ago
Terence Mill wrote:
Why don't you export alls tickets fot version x as txt amd reformat it as changelog ?
And how would you do that? (Just tried, don't see any way to do it)
Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago
- Related to Feature #36679: Export a version as changelog text added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Fixed
The feature has been implemented for the upcoming Redmine 5.1.0 (Feature #36679: Export a version as changelog text).