Feature #7080
openAlternate default activity in time logging
We have a general project called Administration, which of the 3 types of activities we have (Design, Development, Support) only Support is enabled. Development is the default set in the Redmine Settings.
Would it be possible to have Redmine select Support when logging time in this case, rather then forcing us to drop it down to select the only activity available?
Related issues
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 14 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
Updated by Will Vanderpol almost 14 years ago
Maybe a better way of implementing this feature would be to have a per project default activity setting. Different type of projects, admin, hardware or software have different types of activities.
Updated by Dan Klassen over 13 years ago
A helpful feature would be to allow each tracker to have a default activity assigned to it. Unless I'm missing something I haven't seen a way to do this through the interface.
Updated by Sergey Zagorodnykh over 13 years ago
For easy to use PM need to customize relationships between Types of Trackers and Activities which can be related to them.
For Example: Support tracker can have next activities: Consulting, Discussion, Configure, Install, Wiki updating,...
Updated by Ве Fio about 12 years ago
Some news here?
I'm wondering if there is a way to show activities (while time tracking) filtered by tracker.
- database management
- analysis and coordination
time tracking activities:
- database creation
- database updating
- cost estimation
- meeting
- research
I want that, while I'm tracking time for database management, only 1 and 2 actities are shown (and 1 is selected by default); while I'm tracking time for analysis and coordination I want to see only 3 4 5 (with 3 selected by default).
Updated by Marco Descher about 10 years ago
Tracker specific activities would definitely be an interesting option. +1
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #29286: Add default spent time activity per role added
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 6 years ago
I've proposed a default activity per role in #29286.