



Feature #7842


Creation new users by non-admin user

Added by Aliaksandr Salenka over 13 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Accounts / authentication
Target version:
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It should be very userfull to allow user creation for non-administrativ users. For example - I have redmine instance containing some projects, wana to allow user with project-management role to create new users, but don't want to grant him admin rights for whole instance.

Related issues

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #14440: Role to create New userClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #12449: Role/permission to make new usersClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Herrera over 13 years ago

I believe in an automanaged system without the intervention of the administrator each time the organisation require add new members or projects needs to be closed (#7100).

Actions #2

Updated by Jacques Bodin-Hullin almost 12 years ago

It would be great :)

Actions #3

Updated by Ariel Lira about 10 years ago

Is this issue stil pending in redmine trunk? I need exactly the same: a "create user" permission.
Also note that tickets #14440 and #12449 seem duplicate of this one.


Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #12449: Role/permission to make new users)
Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

Actions #8

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #12449: Role/permission to make new users)
Actions #9

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #12449: Role/permission to make new users added
Actions #10

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 10 years ago

I confirm this is still not possible in current redmine versions. It may not be really difficult to implement on the logic side, but I don't really know how to deal with that in the UI. For now "users management" views are in the admin section, which we can't expose to all users obviously. Any take on that ?

Actions #11

Updated by Renzo Dani about 10 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by Michael Esemplare about 10 years ago

Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:

I confirm this is still not possible in current redmine versions. It may not be really difficult to implement on the logic side, but I don't really know how to deal with that in the UI. For now "users management" views are in the admin section, which we can't expose to all users obviously. Any take on that ?

One idea would be extending the role paradigm to admins/user accounts. We then have system roles which would allow more granular permissions.

  • Manage projects
  • Manage users
    • Create user
    • Modify user
    • Delete user
  • Manage system settings
  • etc.
Actions #13

Updated by Dennis Schridde almost 10 years ago

Any news regarding implementation of this?

Actions #14

Updated by strait way over 8 years ago

how can I created project for myself

Actions #15

Updated by Hans Kaiser over 6 years ago

this feature request is 7y old, are there any updates on this feature?

Actions #16

Updated by Ezequiel Nicolazzi almost 6 years ago

Any news on this?

Actions #17

Updated by Richard Holyoak over 5 years ago

Really need this as I don't want to give full administration control for the whole site to someone who should just be able to manage user accounts.

Actions #18

Updated by Ali Hamdan over 4 years ago

It would really be a good feature if we're using redmine as a helpdesk system where the client admin can create users for selected project with the ability for the redmine administrator to register the created user or not.


Actions #19

Updated by Igor Rybak almost 4 years ago

Needed feature for "registrar" role, which could manage users. And you could allow this role to create/edit/delete users with specific roles.

Actions #20

Updated by Kelvin Lomberg almost 2 years ago

This would really improve security for us by allowing all our HR employees to create users without having full admin access.


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