Feature #8447
closedsupport for custom fields to be structured like description field
Specifically for long text custom fields I would like to have the ability to have the drawn in a way that does not distort the display of the overall issue. Currently putting in a long string there causes the display to squish the other columns. I would like to be able to have them added in the same manner as the description area. This would/could be drawn after the 'related to' section.
e.g. a custom field name = Release Instructions, it's type could be sectioned text. It would have a text box just like the description field with the field name displayed as a title.
(using 1.0.4, waiting for 1.2.0)
Related issues
Updated by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago
Updated by Terence Mill over 12 years ago
covered by Feature #8417 "per tracker configurable issue form layout with preview"
Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago
- Is duplicate of Patch #21705: Option for long text custom fields to be displayed using full width added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Very similar feature was implemented by #21705 for upcoming Redmine 3.4.0.
I am closing this issue as a duplicate of it.