Defect #8576
closedMissing german translation - different things
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In Administration->Roles: Issue visibility
Issue visibility: Ticketsichtbarkeit All issues: Alle Tickets All non private issues: Alle nicht-privaten Tickets Issues created by or assigend to the user: Vom Benutzer erstellte oder an ihn zugewiesene Tickets Set issues public or private: Tickets auf privat/öffentlich setzen Set own issues public or private: Eigene Tickets auf privat/öffentlich setzen
Just a minor question: Wouldn't it be better to talk about public instead of non-private? If so then you could exchange nicht-private in the the 3rd line by öffentliche.
In issue creation and updating replace Private by Privat. This applies also to the comments if the flag gets changed.
In Administration->Workflow:
Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author: Zusätzliches Übergänge wenn der Benutzer der Autor ist Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee: Zusätzliches Übergänge wenn der Benutzer der Zugewiesene ist
In Administration->Configuration:
You can configure your scm commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it. Die SCM-Kommandos können in der config/configuration.yml-Datei konfiguriert werden. Redmine muss anschließend neu gestartet werden.
'the application' is Redmine, right? If not the translated second sentence has to be changed.
I hope this is a help for you.
Related issues
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- Category changed from I18n to Translations
- Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
Updated by Jens Martsch almost 14 years ago
All fixed in patch file. Also used some more accurate translations than the suggested. This also fixes Defect #8467.
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- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version changed from Candidate for next minor release to 1.2.1
- Resolution set to Fixed