Defect #8576
closedMissing german translation - different things
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In Administration->Roles: Issue visibility
Issue visibility: Ticketsichtbarkeit All issues: Alle Tickets All non private issues: Alle nicht-privaten Tickets Issues created by or assigend to the user: Vom Benutzer erstellte oder an ihn zugewiesene Tickets Set issues public or private: Tickets auf privat/öffentlich setzen Set own issues public or private: Eigene Tickets auf privat/öffentlich setzen
Just a minor question: Wouldn't it be better to talk about public instead of non-private? If so then you could exchange nicht-private in the the 3rd line by öffentliche.
In issue creation and updating replace Private by Privat. This applies also to the comments if the flag gets changed.
In Administration->Workflow:
Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author: Zusätzliches Übergänge wenn der Benutzer der Autor ist Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee: Zusätzliches Übergänge wenn der Benutzer der Zugewiesene ist
In Administration->Configuration:
You can configure your scm commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it. Die SCM-Kommandos können in der config/configuration.yml-Datei konfiguriert werden. Redmine muss anschließend neu gestartet werden.
'the application' is Redmine, right? If not the translated second sentence has to be changed.
I hope this is a help for you.
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