Defect #8633
closedPagination counts non visible issues
When I see my list issues the projects (with various subproject) with filter status: all, in result show me
1 2 3 4 Next » (1-100/398) | Per page: 25, 50, 100
In first page show me 100 issues, the second show me 1 issue, the third and fourth show me: "No data to display"
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Which Redmine version, any plugins, etc. ?
See SubmittingBugs for required details.
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
- Redmine version: 1.2.0.devel.5969
- Database version: MySql 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5
- Ruby version: ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [i686-linux], MBARI 0x8770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2010.01
- Rails version: rails-2.3.11
- Bulk Time Entry
- Customer plugin
- Redmine Graphs
- Knowledgebase
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Affected version (unused) set to 1.2.0
- Affected version set to 1.2.0
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 13 years ago
Strange, it shouldn't happen, but it's difficult to debug it without knowing the particularities of your database. If it doesn't contain top secret informations, you can send me a dump jeanbaptiste.barth [at], I'll see if I can reproduce and find out where the problem is.
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 13 years ago
- please precise if it occurs only on some projects or on the cross-project view (and detailed steps to reproduce if needed)
- if you send me the dump, please mention the URL to this issue in your email so it rings a bell for me
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:
Just two things more :
- please precise if it occurs only on some projects or on the cross-project view (and detailed steps to reproduce if needed)
- if you send me the dump, please mention the URL to this issue in your email so it rings a bell for me
Jean-Baptiste, the information is confidencial, so i can't send it. Structure the project is:
main project 1 (is being queried)
sub-project 1.1
sub-project 1.2
sub-project 1.3
sub-project 1.3.1 (archived)
sub-project 1.3.2
sub-project 1.3.3
sub-project 1.3.4 (archived)
sub-project 1.3.5 (archived)
sub-project 1.3.6
sub-project 1.3.7
sub-project 1.3.8 (archived)
sub-project 1.3.9 (archived)
sub-project 1.3.10
sub-project 1.3.11
sub-project 1.3.12
sub-project 1.4
sub-project 1.5
sub-project 1.6 (archived)
sub-project 1.7 (archived)
sub-project 1.8
sub-project 1.9
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
Jean, i can send more information? you need i execute any test?
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 13 years ago
It's ok, I'll have a look at it but maybe not right now. I already saw some problems counting paginated results, don't know if they're related.
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
Hi Jean-Baptiste, I update the last version and the problem persist. You have any patch to test?
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Could you please try to remove (temporarily) your plugins and restart the application ?
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
Etienne Massip wrote:
Could you please try to remove (temporarily) your plugins and restart the application ?
Hi Etiene, I remove the plugins and the problem persist.
Show me:
1 2 3 4 Next » (1-100/347) | Per page: 25, 50, 100
but in the page 3 show me: "No data to display"
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Migrating acts_as_customizable...
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Migrating acts_as_list...
Migrating acts_as_searchable...
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Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
#8848 tell us it is due to archived projects.
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
(source:/trunk/app/models/query.rb#L504) returns:
Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement)
Should be:
Issue.visible.count(:include => [:status, :project], :conditions => statement)
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Same with tests issues_count
and issues_count_with_archived_issues
Please note that default test data includes issues which are not visible, so both tests would fail without the Query
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 13 years ago
- Subject changed from Problem with pagination to Pagination counts non visible issues
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version changed from Candidate for next minor release to 1.2.2
- Resolution set to Fixed
Patch applied in r6314, thanks.
Updated by Rodrigo Guerrero over 13 years ago
thanks!!! my problem was resolved!
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Merged in r7765.