Defect #9377
open<br /> is not inserted before macro in Wiki
<br /> tag is not inserted before macros in Wiki.
For example,
abc !{{hello_world}}
should be converted to
<p>abc<br />Hello world! Object: Journal, Called with no argument.</p>
However, it is converted to
<p>abc Hello world! Object: Journal, Called with no argument.</p>
Detail and cause:
<br /> in Wiki is inserted by hard_break
method in "lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/formatter.rb".
This method replaces "\n" with "<br />" as follows:
text.gsub!( /(.)\n(?!\n|\Z| *([#*=]+(\s|$)|[{|]))/, "\\1<br />" ) if hard_breaks
It seems that "[{|]" prevents insertion of "<br />" before CSS style and in table, because CSS style in Wiki starts with "{" and cells of table are separated by "|".
Macros in Wiki also start with double "{"s, so "<br />" is not inserted before macros.
I think that hard_break
method should be
text.gsub!( /(.)\n(?!\n|\Z| *([#*=]+(\s|$)|\{[^{]|\|))/, "\\1<br />" ) if hard_breaks
to replace "\n" before macros. Environment:
- Redmine version 1.2.1
- Ruby version 1.8.7 (patch 174)
- Rails version 2.3.5
Updated by Masamitsu Murase over 13 years ago
I sent pull request in GitHub.
Please refer to
Updated by Masamitsu Murase over 13 years ago
I post the patch.
I have already sent a pull request in GitHub.
If it confuses Redmine's contributors, please let me know about what to do.
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Masamitsu Murase wrote:
If it confuses Redmine's contributors, please let me know about what to do.
It does, because GitHub repo is not an official one (check Contribute) and can potentially differ from the original source.
I think that Eric keep it up to date, though, but this may be not true.
Updated by Masamitsu Murase over 13 years ago
Thank you for your reply, Etienne Massip.
I close the pull request in GitHub to avoid confusion.