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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
13018 Redmine Feature New Pre-fill fields after AJAX call 2013-01-29 11:19 Issues Actions
13016 Redmine Feature New Dynamic adding values to custom fields 2023-06-29 05:00 Custom fields Actions
13010 Redmine Feature New REST - Ask tracker/project which are the necessary fields and the available fields 2013-01-28 14:16 REST API Actions
12984 Redmine Feature New git commits referencing issues are not proceed through tags 2013-01-25 16:25 SCM Actions
12983 Redmine Patch New "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" sends notifications only for issues 2013-12-12 15:53 Email notifications Actions
12982 Redmine Feature New Add status 'active' to versions 2013-02-02 06:40 Roadmap Actions
12976 Redmine Defect New hook call "view_layouts_base_html_head" didn't insert content in the page heder 2013-01-28 06:05 Plugin API Actions
12973 Redmine Defect New Bazaar: Incorrect issue-to-revision relation after "uncommit" 2013-12-12 12:20 SCM Actions
12972 Redmine Feature New Sorting in documents only by first letter, date 2013-01-24 20:13 Documents Actions
12966 Redmine Feature New Cross-connection of Modules 2013-01-24 11:05 Actions
12963 Redmine Feature New Wiki Page Hooks 2021-06-12 10:26 Hook requests Actions
12944 Redmine Feature New Displaying users by Groups 2013-01-23 09:29 Actions
12932 Redmine Feature New Control status of linked issues as if a group is a unique issue 2013-01-22 08:32 Issues Actions
12921 Redmine Feature New REST-API: filter projects by status 2019-06-27 15:56 REST API Actions
12917 Redmine Feature New easy adding new notes/comments to issue 2020-09-22 05:03 Issues Actions
12907 Redmine Feature Reopened Add a button "Assign to me" on issue view. 2018-08-04 09:09 Issues Actions
12894 Redmine Feature New enhance "create subtask" link in a ticket and initialise the sub task with the values the parent task has 2013-01-18 09:15 Issues Actions
12889 Redmine Feature New Persian Solar Calendar is needed 2021-12-19 12:04 Calendar Actions
12881 Redmine Feature New Tracker to be connected to project+groupmember in project 2013-01-17 15:23 Administration Actions
12880 Redmine Feature New Bind the issue visibility setting to issue workflow 2013-01-17 09:26 Issues workflow Actions
12879 Redmine Defect New using commit keyword to update issue's status sets issue to a status that is not defined in the tracker. 2013-01-23 02:41 SCM Actions
12875 Redmine Feature New Wiki links to Overview/Activity/Roadmap/Issues/Documents/Files/News/Forums/etc of a particular project 2013-01-20 21:34 Wiki Actions
12869 Redmine Feature New Notificaion if ticket-creation failed 2015-10-21 09:57 Email receiving Actions
12868 Redmine Feature New status related to progress bar 2013-01-16 15:16 Issues Actions
12862 Redmine Defect New Order by parent task is broken 2013-01-16 11:18 Issues Actions
(2551-2575/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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