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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
8934 Redmine Patch New Add support for annotate with subversion when username contain space 2011-08-23 17:27 SCM Actions
8928 Redmine Feature New Use autocomplete in the wiki rename page to change parent page 2011-07-30 10:51 Wiki Actions
8916 Redmine Feature New Show "loading hint" during issue batch operation 2011-07-30 01:35 UI Actions
8915 Redmine Feature Reopened Use *.exe (e.g. hg.exe) for SCM command on Windows 2011-11-12 01:21 SCM Actions
8904 Redmine Feature New Parent project's name should be visible for Subprojects 2015-03-13 09:56 Projects Actions
8903 Redmine Feature New Provide the link to diff for case "description updated" in mail notification 2011-07-26 15:27 Email notifications Actions
8897 Redmine Feature New Be able to reorder tasks/issues in the Gantt chart 2014-10-28 21:29 Gantt Actions
8893 Redmine Feature New General sharing among projects 2014-12-01 05:34 Project settings Actions
8891 Redmine Feature New Ability to manage Role assignments by individual Group Member. 2011-10-29 20:02 Issues workflow Actions
8889 Redmine Defect New Activity page not refreshed correctly on updates which are not events 2011-09-09 11:39 Issues Actions
8879 Redmine Feature New Update option for documents and files 2014-12-14 04:49 Files Actions
8878 Redmine Feature New Different format for Dates in incoming emails 2011-07-22 07:21 Email receiving Actions
8876 Redmine Feature New Activity commits improvement - display branch 2011-07-21 23:11 SCM Actions
8870 Redmine Defect New Table in wiki is too long 2011-07-21 14:02 UI Actions
8866 Redmine Defect New BugTraq references in commit message breaks revision references 2011-07-20 20:10 Wiki Actions
8856 Redmine Feature New Additive user management for project managers 2012-07-18 23:50 Project settings Actions
8855 Redmine Feature New separate right to change project description field 2011-07-19 22:45 Issues permissions Actions
8854 Redmine Defect New Filter on category across subprojects does not work 2016-07-04 06:59 Issues filter Actions
8850 Redmine Defect New Change PDF column width 2025-02-04 16:59 PDF export Actions
8849 Redmine Defect New Defaults aren't honored in release 1.2.1 (regression) 2011-12-07 00:07 Custom fields Actions
8837 Redmine Defect New RSS feed reports anonymus and the correct (named) user is in the changeset 2011-07-18 17:43 Actions
8831 Redmine Patch New CSS class for issues due today in the issue list 2011-07-16 12:41 UI Actions
8824 Redmine Defect New table name prefix and suffix are not used in some vendor plugins 2011-07-15 13:10 Accounts / authentication Actions
8816 Redmine Feature New Notification when time exceeded 2011-07-14 14:57 Email notifications Actions
8812 Redmine Defect New Ticket list: Editing saved filter - Condition hidden 2012-03-06 11:12 UI Actions
(3176-3200/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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