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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
23116 Redmine Feature New Add attribute "active" for issue status to save issues history and hide status from main interfaces when the statuses became unneed 2016-07-19 20:27 Issues workflow Actions
23103 Redmine Defect New Wiki in Markdown syntax mode improperly renders successive headers. 2016-07-12 17:00 Text formatting Actions
23072 Redmine Feature New Speed-Up the setting of "assigned to" by showing good guesses at the top of the list 2016-06-15 11:44 Issues Actions
23066 Redmine Feature New Allow to create and assign missing categories when copying tickets to another project 2016-06-14 09:09 Issues Actions
23030 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Changing the name of a value for a list custom field and replacing the old one 2016-06-14 20:09 Custom fields Actions
22995 Redmine Feature New Replace ImageMagick thumbnail creating with GD Graphics Library aka libgd 2016-06-06 12:57 Attachments Actions
22977 Redmine Defect New A project member has no access and gets no notification, when being a watcher of the issue 2018-05-21 10:45 Email notifications Actions
22959 Redmine Feature New Customize "Related issues" list in version detail 2016-06-06 17:32 Roadmap Actions
22958 Redmine Feature New RFE: Create new 'include_once' macro that pulls in contents from included page once 2016-06-24 17:21 Wiki Actions
22945 Redmine Defect New incorrect roadmap estimated & spent time values if only summary issues have target version 2016-05-31 20:56 Roadmap Actions
22923 Redmine Feature New Export Wiki to ODT 2018-06-05 17:24 Wiki Actions
22915 Redmine Feature New Additional filetypes (tif,tiff) for thumbnails generation 2019-05-25 07:54 Attachments Actions
22885 Redmine Defect New When I register a task linking a "Parent task", the system gets too slow 2016-05-24 22:10 Performance Actions
22861 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Allow themes to override responsive style sheet. 2023-09-28 09:58 Themes Actions
22858 Redmine Feature New Add Admin Restriction 2016-05-19 19:43 Administration Actions
22810 Redmine Feature New Request: adding tracker id/name to REST /time_entries response (like we already have project info in responses) 2016-05-26 07:34 REST API Actions
22807 Redmine Defect Needs feedback rbpdf 1.19.0 breaks the encoding 2016-05-12 19:09 PDF export Actions
22802 Redmine Feature New Add the posibility to set/change the position of an issue in a version 2022-06-27 18:27 Issues planning Actions
22798 Redmine Patch New fetching of Git changesets sometimes fails due to non existant revisions in prev_db_heads 2016-06-14 02:37 SCM Actions
22712 Redmine Defect Needs feedback picture's in email notification 2016-05-19 16:05 Email notifications Actions
22675 Redmine Feature New Save search option 2016-04-29 13:55 Search engine Actions
22657 Redmine Feature New RFE: Add option to display the Watchers list in all email notifications 2016-05-27 15:07 Email notifications Actions
22656 Redmine Feature New RFE: Add ability to toggle login permission for accounts 2016-04-28 06:33 Accounts / authentication Actions
22638 Redmine Defect New creating with REST API new issue on a project without any tracker enabled return misleading error message 2016-04-26 23:50 REST API Actions
22607 Redmine Feature New Search in custom fields and issues 2016-05-21 08:21 Search engine Actions
(1551-1575/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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