


Plugins Directory » redmine edit issue author

Author: Quan VN
Website: -
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2015-07-16 (over 9 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.1
Compatible with: Redmine 2.6.x
User ratings:   (2)

This is a modification of Change issue author by Frederik Jung. I have to modify it due to 2 reasons
1. Make it not depend on gem render_parent (this gem does not work for me)
2. By the way, I make it possible to change author in bulk edit mode. Please note that the author field comes very last before the note area. Only admin user can change author in this mode
Work with redmine 2.6.6, ruby 2, rails 3.2.22.


0.0.1 (2015-07-16)

Compatible with Redmine 2.6.x. (5.38 KB) Quan VN, 2015-07-16 09:06

User ratings

  by Alexander Herr almost 9 years ago


Code to allow for Anonymous to be selectable:

`<%= select_tag('issue[author_id]', options_from_collection_for_select(, :id, :name, @issue.author_id) ) %>`

Maybe push to github?

  by Luiz Moura over 9 years ago

Muito Ăștil !!!