


Plugins Directory » Mindmaps Plugin

Author: Petr Pospisil
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2016-04-07 (about 8 years ago)
Current version: 1.0.0
Compatible with: Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x
User ratings:   (7)

Redmine Mindmap plugin brings this essential and very efficient project management technique of mind mapping to every Redmine users. Mind mapping is a simple and modern way of project planning → fast, efficient, visual, intuitive and creativity supportive → just solve every project better than before.

"The best project visualization via WBS!"

The basic plugin is completely FREE to download from the official website! The PRO version is available to purchase there as well.


BENEFITS of Redmine Mindmap Plugin

  • faster planning - new tasks and ideas come up much faster than during the process of classic project planning
  • smart and fresh ideas - mind maps are based on a principle that is similar to the way your brain works and thus it supports new associations and awakes creativity
  • do not "get lost" - using mind mapping technique easily keeps you on the right track
  • more successful projects - it's proved that in mind map view you can plan with more logical structure and that leads to better projects


FEATURES of Redmine Mindmap Plugin:

  • Drag & Drop sorting of issues and projects
  • Creation of issues from the mind map
  • Colour visualization of issues completion and trackers
  • Familiar keyboard shortcuts from other mind map tools
  • Zoom-in and zoom-out
  • Step Back Button
  • Compatible with Redmine 3.0+

VISUALIZE project according to:

  • status of the tasks
  • tracker
  • asignee
  • priority
  • % done

Redmine Mindmap Plugin is a powerful tool for project planning and management in Redmine - give it a try.



  • Available as a free or paid plugin for Redmine
  • Available for a free trial in Easy Redmine
  • 100% open source plugin
  • GNU GPL 2 license
  • 1 Redmine instance
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited projects



Redmine Mind Map plugin


Redmine Mind Map plugin


Redmine Mind Map plugin


Installation notes

Follow instructions as here:

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.x.

Easy compatibility plugin for Redmine

Having compatibility issues of our native Redmine plugins with your Redmine environment? We have prepared a plugin that fixes known issues that may occur when installing our Redmine Gantt, WBS and Resource Management plugins along with some 3rd party Redmine plugins, namely redmine_contacts (tested version 4.2.3) and redmine_zenedit (tested version 1.0.2). Feel free to download the plugin from GitHub ( and install it ( as a normal Redmine plugin (unzip into the "plugins" folder and restart server).


1.0.0 (2016-04-07)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x.

User ratings

  by herman gomez over 5 years ago

I rated this as zero (0) 10 minutes go. I just found the solution for 3.4.6, it's working and here is the link:

  by Konstantin Shutov almost 6 years ago

  by Peter Beck almost 7 years ago

really nice plugin, but 3.4 support should be added

  by Jerry George almost 7 years ago

This is a really useful plugin. Unfortunately, I lost it when I upgraded to 3.4.x. Hoping for an update soon!

  by Kerber Kerber almost 7 years ago

Amazing plugin, but dont work on 3.4.x

  by Jacob Fish about 8 years ago

Mindmapping was always essential technique to my team.
By having it in Redmine, we can convert our ideas direclty to task and sub-task.
Definitely the most valuable Redmine Plugin for us! thank you developer, keep going :)

  by Ondrej Stovicek about 8 years ago

I really like mindmapping and this plugin brings complex mind maps into Redmine. Great work!!