


Plugins Directory » Redmine Qqs

Author: Tigergm Wu
Code repository:
Registered on: 2016-04-13 (almost 9 years ago)
Current version: 0.6.0
Compatible with: Redmine 3.2.x
User ratings:   (2)

I am not very familiar with the openid's mechanism in redmine's core feature. Maybe I will integrate it later.
I finished the base plugin for qq connect binding and login through using the qq connect's sdk. This plugin is relatively independent from redmine core openid feature.
Qq is the most popular instant messaging software in China( Qq's login feature is the main reqirement of web app in China. Qq's provider is Tencent Company witch provide the qq connect sdk(
Fortunately the qq connect sdk have Ruby On Rails version which is developed by 046569. Thank him for this work saving time of our developing base function (
This plugin just is the beginning. I am planning for the login's integration for weixin which is the most popular mobile messager in China.

Installation notes

First, download the compressed package, launched to the plugins directory, and the plugin directory rename qqs.
Enter the redmine root directory, run the setup command:
Bundle install --without development test
To perform database upgrade command:
Bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=qqs RAILS_ENV=production

The second step to the QQ Internet site registered users, and add the web application.
In the web application, the website address fill in columns redmine where the domain name information, such as, and fill in the callback.
The website address validation button to gain head segment information, copy the contents of content, such as: 352423553516513164042163153523617;
In the login page in;
In the test, collaborators, in a test using QQ.

The third step, goto qqs' plugin setting page, according to the second step of the information, modify the following string constants.
Change REDIRECT_URI in plugin setting page to
Change REDIRECT_URI2 in plugin setting page to
Change REDIRECT_URI3 in plugin setting page to
Modify the VALIDATE_CODE content in plugin's setting page (such as: 352423553516513164042163153523617, with specific display date)
don't modify the auth_prefix text(this text has been removed).
Then restart redmine. At this time to ensure that the head segment can be verified through the application of QQ interconnection.

The fourth step, according to the third step of the adjustment and restart the service to ensure the second step of the site to verify the domain name, and then saved by the application of the information, after the success, recording app ID and app key, and put the two string modifications in plugin setting page.
The corresponding constant distributions are APPID and APPKEY.

The fifth step, the normal landing, in my account page, click on the associated QQ account button to complete the QQ Internet binding, exit again after landing, you can log on through the login page of the QQ landing button. In my account, you can update or remove the QQ account association.

Note: QQ Internet management center application information, in the development stage only accept up to 10 of the specified QQ number of binding, only the application of the application, to be fully open to do not restrict QQ binding.

WeChat description:
The first step, goto the registered developer qualification. Apply for a web type of application, the redirect address should be filled with the redmine home address. Then waiting for the audit.
The second step, please goto the plug-in configuration, according to the web application of the column, replace the corresponding appsecret, appid and callback address.
The third step, restart redmine and try the WeChat login.

Please note that you should not modify the prefix and suffix columns in the plugin's configuration.


0.6.0 (2016-05-22)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

optimize the auth and REST architecture

0.5.0 (2016-05-13)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

finished basically supporting weixin(micro messager).

QQ截图20160513215430.png (6.99 KB) QQ截图20160513215430.png Tigergm Wu, 2016-05-13 15:55

0.4.1 (2016-04-22)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

some screenshots:

QQ截图20160422155522.png (22.5 KB) QQ截图20160422155522.png Tigergm Wu, 2016-04-22 09:58
QQ截图20160422155341.png (7.92 KB) QQ截图20160422155341.png Tigergm Wu, 2016-04-22 09:58
QQ截图20160422155111.png (10.9 KB) QQ截图20160422155111.png Tigergm Wu, 2016-04-22 09:58

0.4.0 (2016-04-22)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

add register integration with qq connect.

0.3.0 (2016-04-21)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

add qq's avatar
add setting's feature

0.2.0 (2016-04-13)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x.

User ratings

  by Tigergm Wu almost 9 years ago

thanks replay.
I will take my effort for it.
I have got my redmine app approved and the plugin works.
Then I began applying the weixin's app developer and registered a app for test.

  by unicorn jia almost 9 years ago

great! and highly expect the weixin plugin