


Plugins Directory » Redmine/MS Project sync

Author: Ilya S
Code repository:
Registered on: 2013-08-08 (almost 11 years ago)
Current version: 0.3
Compatible with: Redmine 2.4.x, 2.3.x
User ratings:   (4)

Flexible, fast and fuctional plugin. Allows import and export almost all data in both ways (redmine <-> msp).

Key features:
  • uses fast xml parsing ang generation with Nokogiri;
  • can import immadiately and in background job (using delayed job);
  • allows disable some fields and versions/milestones for sync (separately for import and export);
  • supports almost all attributes of tasks (hierarchy, status name (custom field), assignee, tracker (custom field), relations (preceses/follows), task name, description, estimated hrs, spent hrs, project, priority, redmine id (custom field), fixed version, link to redmine issue, ...);
  • allows export whole project and custom query;
  • has flexible permissions setting;
  • allows preview and edit tasks before import in redmine;
  • email notification for author of import when import finished (sends only when import procedes as background job) without notifications for participants of tasks (no spam);
  • has ability to update existing tasks or forced create new;

Plugin initially based on redmine loader plugin, now almost completely rewritten.


0.3 (2013-08-08)

Compatible with Redmine 2.4.x, 2.3.x.

User ratings

  by Thiago Borba over 8 years ago

It seems be a really great plugin, but it is out of date. I have tried use it on Redmine 3.1.x and I got error when analyzing xml file:

Failed to read file: ["undefined method `default' for #"]

Any idea?

  by Andrey Vasiliev almost 10 years ago

Import to MS Project works fine
But export from MS Project has an questions.

I try to Export tasks from MS Project to redmine an error appears
"Default tracker is not installed. Please contact to System Administrator"
But tracker is installed.

  by Ivan Rapekas about 10 years ago

Excellent idea, good implementation!
Upd. 07.2014: works under 2.5.2 without line in init.rb # Issue.__send__(:include, IssuePatch)

  by Paula Andrade about 10 years ago

Is it possible to run this plugin in Windows Server 2010?