


Plugins Directory » Redmine Outlook Add-in

Author: Ahau Software
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2015-06-28 (about 9 years ago)
Current version: 3.7.14
Compatible with: Redmine 6.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x
User ratings:   (76)

This is deeply integrated addition for Microsoft Outlook that makes it possible to sync issues, projects, contacts and calendar, as well as to get quick access to attachments and messages on your Redmine account.

  • Sync projects and tasks
  • Email converting and linking with an issue or a project
  • Project and issue management right from Microsoft Outlook
  • Weekly time logs and automated time tracking of email processing time

This is a deeply integrated addition for Microsoft Outlook.

Manage your projects and tasks right from Microsoft Outlook!

Manage your tasks and get reminders in your Calendar!

Download - 14-day free trial

Installation notes

  • First, download the installation software. download
  • When the download completes, double-click the file to launch the setup program.

  • You will receive a message asking you whether you want to run the file, click install.
  • The application will begin to install. A green bar will show the progress of this installation.
  • When the installation is complete, launch Outlook.
  • In the top of the Outlook window, you’ll see a tab for REDMINE has been added.


3.7.14 (2024-03-14)

Compatible with Redmine 6.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x.

  • Spanish
  • Small fixes

3.7.11 (2023-10-31)

Compatible with Redmine 6.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x.

  • Bug fixing

3.5.18 (2022-11-23)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • NET Framework 4.8
  • Licensing service updates
  • Fix: Installer in-place upgrade not replaces the old files on some environments

3.5.15 (2022-08-03)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added default target version recognition.
  • Fixed custom fields visibility for specified roles.

3.5.14 (2022-06-06)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed "Custom date field can`t be saved because of Windows date format".
  • Fixed workflow statuses appearance according to the linked project.
  • Fixed time tracker activities chooser while adding time logs.
  • Fixed adding attachments while converting an email to a Redmine task with a Linked Pane.

3.5.9 (2022-03-22)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed an activity appearance in My Issues folder after revealing the closed activity back to active status
  • Fixed ability to make activity unassigned
  • Fixed doubling warning messages while closing an unsaved issue with Redmine Pane
  • Fixed doubling warning messages appearance while closing Outlook with usaved activity
  • Fixed warning messages appearance while Resetting Data Store
  • Fixed critical window exceptions

3.5.4 (2022-02-01)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added spelling check for Polish and German languages
  • Fixed RedmineUp checklists description and Redmine Pane appearance
  • Fixed tables appearance in the description tab of issue details
  • Fixed collision with postponed emails rule

3.4.2 (2020-12-03)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed collision with Outlook calendar
  • Increased application speed
  • Fixed Add attachments button
  • Fixed Contacts appearance
  • Fixed My tickets appearance

2.4.4 (2019-05-13)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed integration with Checklists plugin
  • Added 'Show checklists' option in Settings
  • Fixed Outlook crashes while opening an issue details

2.4.2 (2019-04-09)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added integration with Checklists plugin
  • Added Is Private field
  • Added footer in the issue details
  • New sign certificate
isprivate.png (81.9 KB) isprivate.png is private, footer Ahau Software, 2019-04-09 16:25
chckelist.png (29.5 KB) chckelist.png checklists Ahau Software, 2019-04-09 16:25

2.3.6 (2019-02-28)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Display issues assigned to my group in My Issues folder.
  • Fixed errors while update field 'Version', 'Assignee' for DE localize
  • Improved loading on start
  • Upgraded 3rd party components for loading data

2.3.2 (2018-12-24)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x.

  • Compatibility with Redmine 4.0
  • Fixed throw error 'An error on JsonDeserializeToList from '{"issues"...}'

2.2.2 (2018-10-24)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Outgoing email attached to the issue (If configured in Settings)
  • Fixed not displaying custom fields (if a list have duplicates)
  • Improved French language
  • Fixed date and number formats for specific localizations
  • Fixed OutOfMemoryException while licensing identifier
2018-10-24_1237.png (32.8 KB) 2018-10-24_1237.png Ahau Software, 2018-10-24 14:37

2.1.2 (2018-08-09)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Redesigned select box of assignee (allow group assign)
  • Filtered issue statuses by workflows (Required Redmine Shared Api 0.0.6)
  • Display user avatars (gravatar)
  • Get free trial activation
  • Compatibility with Redmine Shared Api 0.0.6

2.0.19 (2018-03-13)

Compatible with Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x.

  • Auto adding creator of an issue into watchers
  • Preload DevExpress components
  • Fixed empty value in columns
  • Fixed empty category after sync
  • Volume license activation via plugin Redmine Shared Office (can be provide by email request)
  • Multiple remove attachments while create a new issue
  • Fixed post time logs while exporting calendar to a project
  • Fixed "Extension attached is not allowed"
RedmineSharedOfficeEn.png (37.1 KB) RedmineSharedOfficeEn.png Redmine Shared Office (can be provide by email request) Ahau Software, 2018-03-13 17:16
auto_adding_creator_in_watchers.png (25.1 KB) auto_adding_creator_in_watchers.png Auto adding creator of an issue into watchers Ahau Software, 2018-03-13 17:16

2.0.7 (2017-11-14)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Uses a local database for caching
  • Fixed Null Reference errors
  • Improved loading resources in a memory
  • Fixed incorrect time when submit event to Time Sheet
  • Redesign working with outlook folders
  • Fixed other issues

2.0.3 (2017-10-02)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Automatically add recipients and sender of an email into watchers when converting it to a task
  • Supports "Key/Value List" custom field
  • Allows unlink linked email with an issue
  • Calculate the Estimate Hours of the event synchronize from our personal calendar
  • Allows to mark some event/meeting to not be synchronize in the Calendar
  • Fixed delete copies of an issue
2017-10-02_1143.png (28.4 KB) 2017-10-02_1143.png Unlink email from chosen issue and link it to other issues Ahau Software, 2017-10-02 13:57

2.0.0 (2017-08-15)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • New option to store Redmine folder inside main Outlook storage Benefits of this option:
  • * Native Outlook reminders for all Redmine issues
  • * If Exchange is used, you'll be able to view Redmine issues in your calendar on any device (mobile, web)
  • * My Issues will be available on the Outlook Home page within the root folder
  • Loading performance of the add-in was improved
  • Auto time tracking for emails is now turned off by default (improves performance)
  • Allow install for All users by command line (ALLUSERS=1)
  • Improvements to Calendar export/import
  • Support drag & move items of Redmine calendar
homepage.png (76.1 KB) homepage.png Home page Ahau Software, 2017-08-15 14:55
settings1.png (19.6 KB) settings1.png Ahau Software, 2017-08-15 14:55
settings2.png (15.3 KB) settings2.png Ahau Software, 2017-08-15 14:55

1.8.3 (2017-04-20)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added Timesheet reporting
  • Improved Timesheet print and export
  • Implemented drag & drop emails into attachments
  • Fixed disable state of save button after link to an exist task
  • Fixed a duration field of Timesheet
  • Fixed submit to timesheet for one work day
  • Other minor fixes
reporting.png (48.9 KB) reporting.png Added Timesheet reporting Ahau Software, 2017-04-20 17:41
dragdrop3.png (89.5 KB) dragdrop3.png Implemented drag & drop emails into attachments Ahau Software, 2017-04-20 17:41

1.7.3 (2017-02-06)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed an error occurred during installation
  • Fixed disabling of Add-In slowing down of Outlook
  • Generate native images during install on background thread
  • Start UI initialization after all add-ins are loaded
  • Improved date and boolean formats for custom fields
  • Fixed validation for "Estimated Hours" field

1.7.1 (2017-01-11)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • [+] Display Redmine assignee outside Watchers tab
  • [+] Convert options
  • [+] Copy item name button
  • [+] Custom icon for converted mails
  • [+] Query Issue Names with lightweight serializer
  • [*] Memory cache optimization
  • [*] Require id tag inside brackets ('[' ']') to open linked issue
  • [-] Fixed: Watchers in the created issue not receive email notification
  • [-] Outlook Build >= 7466 crashed on view fields access

1.6.3 (2016-11-24)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Handle Outlook November 10, 2016 Version 1610 (Build 7466.2038) crash on view fields access
  • Fixed: messed UnRead items
  • Fixed: empty "Outlook Data File" Store after data storage reset
  • Fixed: URLs in description are not linkyfied if no attachments
  • Fixed: catch item save exception while updating mail subject

1.6.2 (2016-11-15)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed: Only first 100 items was synced for Queries
  • Fixed: outlook hangs on some systems
  • Enhancement: update downloaded and started by click from notification
  • German localization temporary disabled
  • Fixed missing ribbon on Outlook 2010

1.6.1 (2016-11-08)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Queries sync released
  • Drag'n'drop emails to link them with existing issue
  • My Watched issues folder
  • French and Turkish localization
  • Use [R #id] as default format for linked mails subject
  • Show detailed sync progress on Sync button
  • Save button is disabled for unchanged issues
  • Offline installer used by default, web installer is deprecated and will be removed in future releases
  • Improved startup time, no more 'slow addin' warnings
  • Mail are linked with issue created with 'Convert To' menu
  • Fixed missing ribbon on Outlook 2010

1.5.0 (2016-09-07)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Allows send a private note to an issue
  • Allows select an activity in the weekly time logs
  • Find by Issue Id
  • Improved project details: Edit name, Is Public, Inherit members, Trackers, Modules
  • Improved project details: Tasks tab
  • Drag'n'drop emails to attachments tab
  • Queries sync [BETA]
  • Fixed NullReferenceException fires when a user selects an item
AddNote.png (19.9 KB) AddNote.png A private note to an issue Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41
ProjectEdit.png (6.46 KB) ProjectEdit.png Improved project details Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41
FindById.png (11.8 KB) FindById.png Find by Issue Id Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41
Queries.png (13.4 KB) Queries.png Queries sync Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41
Tasks.png (10.6 KB) Tasks.png Improved project details: Tasks tab Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41
weekly.png (9.85 KB) weekly.png An activity in the weekly time logs Ahau Software, 2016-09-07 22:41

1.4.5 (2016-05-27)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Offline install (+ msi package)
  • Added localization: English, Russian
  • Fixed sync fails with Easy Redmine
  • Fixed display save confirmation dialog for every opened issue

1.4.1 (2016-03-29)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added field of the target version
  • Calendar Export improved
  • Add Note improved
  • Cache improved
  • Get started window

1.4.0 (2016-03-16)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Display preview a description with history of an issue
  • Insert & preview a picture by issue attachments
  • Dran'n'drop picture into a description of an issue
  • Add a formatted note in an issue
  • Check spelling as you type
  • Select yes / no / none for a custom boolean field
  • Export your personal calendars into projects [Beta]
History.png (45.8 KB) History.png Ahau Software, 2016-03-16 11:10
CalendarExport.png (46.8 KB) CalendarExport.png Ahau Software, 2016-03-16 11:10
InsertImage.png (36.8 KB) InsertImage.png Ahau Software, 2016-03-16 11:10

1.3.0 (2016-02-15)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Textile \ Markdown editor
  • Edit a project by context menu
  • Move an issue between projects
  • Add myself as a watcher
  • Delete an issue by context menu or ribbon
  • Auto detect a text formatting
  • Fixed major & minor bugs
TextFormatting.png (31.9 KB) TextFormatting.png Textile \ Markdown editor Ahau Software, 2016-02-15 20:28
WatchMe.png (22.5 KB) WatchMe.png Add myself as a watcher Ahau Software, 2016-02-15 20:28
EditProject.png (60.7 KB) EditProject.png Edit a project by context menu Ahau Software, 2016-02-15 20:29
DragDrop.png (54.2 KB) DragDrop.png Move an issue between projects Ahau Software, 2016-02-15 20:29

1.2.0 (2016-01-13)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x.

  • Easy Redmine supports (just for *
  • Auto hide Task Pane
  • Issue details was improved
  • Fixed major & minor bugs

1.0.10 (2015-12-15)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Added cache of custom fields (improved)
  • Added spelling feature to editor
  • Added drag-n-drop attachments
  • Fixed errors with Easy Redmine
  • Fixed search by user name
  • Fixed ‘-1 name’
  • Fixed major & minor bugs

1.0.8 (2015-11-19)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed issues with non-english redmine local
  • Fixed incorrect utf-8 description
  • Add email as attach into converted task
  • Issue ID is a numeric

1.0.5 (2015-10-26)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Task pane (email link to an issues) [BETA]
  • 'Save all' remembers path
  • Added the settings option 'Include email attacments into a new issue'
  • Fixed 'Xml parsing errors..'
  • Fixed major & minor bugs
  • Supports Outlook 2007

1.0.4 (2015-10-14)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Custom fields (Redmine Shared API)
  • Reading panel
  • Calendar
  • Contacts (Redmine Shared API)
  • Fixed majors & minors

Should install Redmine Shared API

1.0.3 (2015-09-22)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed sync closed projects and issues
  • Fixed remove parent issues
  • minor fixes

1.0.2 (2015-09-08)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fast sync
  • Added projects tree view
  • Hide completed projects
  • major & minor fixes
  • Fixed Convert to

1.0.1 (2015-08-24)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Improve sync & issue details
  • New Outlook views
  • Added Custom fields support
  • Fixed Convert to
  • Fast details loading
  • major & minor fixes

0.1.2 (2015-07-16)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

  • Fixed install
  • Support Office 64-bit
  • Fixed empty list of projects
  • Added authenticate via API access key
  • Fixed major and minor bugs

What's new

0.1.1 (2015-06-28)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

User ratings

  by Bastian Kretzer over 1 year ago

It works perfectly.

  by Шелепнев Дмитрий about 4 years ago

Супер! То что мне не хватало! С этим плагином Редмайн в топе эффективных систем управления проектами!

  by Кирилл Булаткин about 4 years ago

Отличный продукт!

  by Роман Скороделов about 4 years ago

I started working with redmine recently, this plugin makes monitoring tasks very easy. thank

  by Denis Bogachev about 4 years ago

this is the best addon in the world! basic interface of redmine is not userfriendly, but now i can interact with my tasks comfortably

  by Vladislav D about 4 years ago

Great plugin. Thanks

  by Mariano Madrigal about 4 years ago

Awesome Plugins. Thanks

  by Patrick Neuman about 4 years ago

Working perfectly fine! Love it!

  by Radoslaw Ważyński over 4 years ago

A great solution, now settling issues can be done even faster

  by xianquan wang over 4 years ago

this plugin is great,it helps manage projects in outlook.

  by Harun Kartal over 4 years ago

One of the greatest plugin I have used

  by Afşin AYHAN over 4 years ago

Absolutly awesome. Very nice integration with Outlook giving you much better performance. Provides great help for bridging communication between Outlook and Redmine. Easy setup

  by Jason Reinhardt over 4 years ago

Great for helping our students track deadlines and projects! Thank you!

  by Martin Jancok over 4 years ago

Excellent plugin for Outlook. It will be liked by users who need tool to integrate tasks and project using the advantages of the easy Redmine application

  by Ray Cheung over 4 years ago

  by Martin Loučka over 4 years ago

Does what is says, fast sync, easy to use, projects/issues work very well, supports calendar synchronization. I would definitely recommend!

  by Taemin Kim over 4 years ago

It's just perfect plugin i am looking for.

  by Hisashi Obayashi over 4 years ago

This application had all the features we wanted

  by Johnathan Zamorano over 4 years ago

Good Plugins.
Easy way to using Redmine from Outlook

  by jujic Biorki over 4 years ago

Great Add-In. Help me many works

  by Nest K almost 5 years ago

This is great because you can access a convenient way of outlook without touching the existing system.

  by Dmitriy Plaschinskiy almost 5 years ago

Very useful plugin! Full Outlook and Redmine integration! Strongly recommended!

  by Bill Outte almost 5 years ago

Excellent plugin. Easy install, easy use, great productivity gain.

  by Benoît Arnal almost 5 years ago

Wonderful plugin.
Love it!

  by Hamdi Tural almost 5 years ago

Really great addon but needs improvement on loading, outlook slows down.

  by Celine D almost 5 years ago


  by Stephan E about 5 years ago

Looking good, will start using and provide more detailed rating

  by Павел Цыпышев about 5 years ago

Good plugin to work with Redmine system from Outlook.
Perfect conversion from email to task.

  by Andrew Zi about 5 years ago

Awesome Plugins. Thanks

  by Holger Stockmann over 5 years ago

Fast performance, many features. Works great for me.

  by Josip Matun over 5 years ago

Simple plugin that gets the job done.

  by tom vaughan over 5 years ago

This add in is great! Very simple to set up and use.

  by Michal Hrbek over 5 years ago

1) Absolutely perfect add-on
2) Simplicity
3) Nice price

I can recommend.

  by jiho kim over 5 years ago

Absolutly awesome. Very nice integration with Outlook giving you much better performance. Provides great help for bridging communication between Outlook and Redmine. Easy setup.
Fast support team, too

  by Sylvestre Canard over 5 years ago

This plugin is probably the best out there for Redmine. The Outlook integration just make things way easier to create/edit a task, no more need to juggle between windows, copy, past... This is not recommanded, this is essential to work efficiently!

  by chanhyeok in over 5 years ago

very useful!! : )

  by Вячеслав Панкратов over 5 years ago

the main means of communication in the enterprise is outlook and the integration of applications with redmine has increased the responsiveness to applications and increased usability. Authors thank you very much.

  by Sebastian Zech almost 6 years ago

Great plugin for the administration of a redmine system.
It will definitely increase our productivity!

  by Peter Blanckaert almost 6 years ago

I've been searching for an affordable CRM solution that I could easily host myself for about a year now. Yesterday I stumbled upon Redmine and found your company's Redmine Outlook plugin. Everything is working as it should and I must say that your plugin

  by Vincent Trouillat almost 6 years ago

Found this tool, which is exactly what redmine was missing, adaptable, clear, enhancing redmine possibilities making it for me the best ticketing platform on the market. Redmine owes you a good one, good job !!

  by Jerry George about 6 years ago

A really useful addition to my toolbox. The add-in allows access to bi-directional access to Redmine functionality directly from Outlook and fits very nicely into my workflow.

  by Pasquale Carlo Maiorano Picone over 6 years ago

A must-have for Redmine administration and synchronization

  by Robin Ibrard over 6 years ago

  by Paweł Soból over 6 years ago

Excellent plugin for the MIcrosoft mail client. It will be liked by users who need an integral tool to manage tasks and work time using the advantages of the easy Redmine application

  by Adrian S over 6 years ago

Works well.
Saves time not having to keep logging in to web.

  by Heiko Böhme over 6 years ago

Great Plugin! It helps to improve my workflow so much!

  by Dawid Krystosik almost 7 years ago

Great Add-In! Time saver :)

  by Mathew James almost 7 years ago

The plugin is really great and very useful. Compatible with 3.3 and 3.4 and very handy tool.

  by Renatta Fairbanks almost 7 years ago

Very well thought out & tailored to the UX. My dev guy is making me discontinue ToDoist which I am tied to the hip to but now feel elated to use this plugin & better organize my projects in 1 place, todo list, calendar, & time-tracking.Try the demo!

  by Dimitrij Kyshulko almost 7 years ago

It is really great and useful plugin. If you are used to mange your tasks in outlook you will not like to miss this plugin!

  by seth ye almost 7 years ago


  by Katrin Simoneit almost 7 years ago

  by Alexey Vetkhov about 7 years ago

Great plugin. It saves a lot of time for me

  by Борис Берижопль about 7 years ago

Платная штука, надо писать об этом в описании

  by Holger Laebe about 7 years ago

Absolutly awesome. Very nice integration with Outlook giving you much better performance. Provides great help for bridging communication between Outlook and Redmine. Easy setup.
Fast support team, too!

  by MARIA ARVANITOU over 7 years ago

Great functionality - complete integration with Outlook allows quick maintenance of the team tasks.

  by Boti Kadar over 7 years ago

It's a very nice and easy-to-use module which works without problems just after a couple of clicks. Thanks guy's, it's great.

  by Raman Pershyn over 7 years ago


  by Johan de neef over 7 years ago

Nice plugin. Still some work on features to improve productivity (add outlook mails as .msg file in stead of html). For time to time the plugin crashes. But overall good.

  by Diogo Soares almost 8 years ago

It delivers what it promises. I recommend all users of Outllok / redmine.

  by May El Barachi almost 8 years ago

Excellent plugin. Very good integration between redmine and outlook, which improves productivity significantly.

  by Markus Metzmacher almost 8 years ago

Brillant! Being informed emmidiately about Issues/News and therefore being able, to act very quickly.

This Plugin is a must!

  by David Brustad about 8 years ago

First on a new job I install redmine and enter all information I can find to create database of past knowledge. Just found the outlook plugin and while it has a couple of quirks to it, it has made data ingest from Outlook really really easy. Recommended.

  by S.Eren Ergindemir about 8 years ago

Awesome Plugins. Easy way to using Redmine Thanks...........

  by Boyan Yordanov about 8 years ago

Very good! High value added!

  by Lukas Osinski over 8 years ago

This is a fantastic add-in for Outlook. Now I can manage all my redmine projects directly via outlook! Strongly recommended!!!!

  by Thierry Luo over 8 years ago

Fantastic plugin for Outlook users. It's integrated with Outlook mails, tasks, calendar. It makes project management and issue tracking more easy and straightforward. Strongly recommended!

  by Murray Melvin over 8 years ago

I've been using this for 3-4 months now and have to say it's saved me quite a bit of time since I don't have to bounce around between my email and browser as much. Bug fix and feature updates occur regularly and Ahau's support is very responsive.

  by Balazs Barta over 8 years ago

Very good Add-in and also the TimeTracker Add-in and very kind people!!!

  by Guido Tobler over 8 years ago

Works good - We could increase productivity as it is easier for users to work in Outlook, which is their Primary working tool. Support is fast. Bugs, when identified, are fixed quickly.

  by Ihor Dzesa over 8 years ago

  by Jakub Janocha over 8 years ago

  by Bogdan Jipa almost 9 years ago

One of the greatest plugin I have used with Redmine!

  by Quach Bao Nguyen almost 9 years ago

Great Add-In. Help me many works

  by Alexey Lustin almost 9 years ago

Good idea and very useful plugin

But there is a several bug with Redmine 3.0
and in the Outlook 2013 plugin works slow

Hope the author increase performanse and testing the Redmine API better

  by haihua li about 9 years ago

Great idea. But when I install this plugin, I get the error:
Download the file from fail.