


Plugins Directory » Redmine Customization Plugin

Author: Developer
Code repository:
Registered on: 2015-06-19 (about 9 years ago)
Current version: 1.0.0
Compatible with: Redmine 2.4.x, 2.3.x
User ratings:   (3)

This plugin provides a number of useful features for Redmine customization:

  • Other plugins can override the existing Redmine translations.
  • The Redmine administrator can set a custom text for the account approval pending notice and add custom top menu links.
  • Users can create custom buttons and collapse sidebar blocks.
  • The selector in filters becomes larger.
  • The 'Jump to a project' box has an improved design and shows all projects.
  • Users can create issue drafts with pre-filled attributes and access them by URLs without saving the issues.
  • When an issue is copied, watchers and related issues are copied as well.
  • Quotes are inserted directly at the cursor position in the issue note without replacing the text you have already entered.
  • Users can submit issues quickly by pressing Command+Enter.
  • Descriptions of the files attached are shown in the issue history.
  • Notes accessed by direct links are highlighted.
  • The plugin fixes a Redmine shared version issue that occurs in Redmine versions before 2.6.

Installation notes

This plugin requires Redmine Select2 Plugin to be installed.

1. To install the plugins
Download the .ZIP archives, extract files and copy the plugin directories into #{REDMINE_ROOT}/plugins.
Change you current directory to your Redmine root directory:


Copy the plugins from GitHub using the following commands:
git clone plugins/redmine__select2
git clone plugins/redmine_customize

2. Install the required gems using the command:

bundle install 

In case of bundle install errors, remove the Gemfile.lock file, update the local package index and install the required dependencies. Then execute the `bundle install` command again:

rm Gemfile.lock
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libpq-dev
bundle install

3. These plugins require a migration. Run the following command to upgrade your database (make a database backup before):

bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

4. Restart Redmine.


1.0.0 (2015-04-28)

Compatible with Redmine 2.4.x, 2.3.x.

User ratings

  by Henry Li over 4 years ago

works well with 3.3.10.

  by Eric Feyzullov over 7 years ago

latest version (on GitHub) fine works on 3.3 - great plugin!

  by Steven Wong about 8 years ago

great plugin for customization. Thanks.