


Plugins Directory » Issue Weight Balancer

Author: Özgür Yazılım A.Ş.
Code repository:
Registered on: 2013-11-05 (over 10 years ago)
Current version: 1.1.0
Compatible with: Redmine 1.4.x
User ratings:   (0)

Redmine allows to user to see tickets and subticket's percentage of completed and user can follow their project's process. However, in the real life, all tickets in one project could not have similar weight. Some tickets could be a little part of project, some others could be the biggest.
You can define different weight for each tickets thanks to this plugin. This plugin allows user to see subtickets' percentage of complete and shows real percentage of complete for whole project with calculating different ticket weights. There are two different views as “Expected” and “Performed ”. There is also report page which shows all tickets' process.


1.1.0 (2012-05-05)

Compatible with Redmine 1.4.x.