


Plugins Directory » Redmine Pivot Table

Author: dee cay
Code repository:
Registered on: 2015-08-03 (almost 9 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.7
Compatible with: Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x
User ratings:   (9)

This Redmine plugin allows you to generate pivot table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) for issue analysis.

Utilizes pivottable.js by nicolaskruchten.


0.0.7 (2019-04-16)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x.

Added compatibility for 4.0.x
Updated pivottable.js
Various bug fixes

0.0.6 (2018-08-16)

Compatible with Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x.

Added Redmine 3.4.x compatibility

0.0.5 (2016-12-27)

Compatible with Redmine 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x.

Added drill-down, drill-through feature, only for Redmine 3.3.0 and above
Added cross-project pivot table
Added plugin settings page for controling max count
Added weekly summary attributes to dates

0.0.4 (2016-06-03)

Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x, 2.6.x.

Added basic and minimal save function.

Now you can save your pivot configurations as queries.

Known limitations:
-No edit for pivot query
-C3 chart size does not auto-fit to size in some cases
-Cannot save Activities

0.0.3 (2016-01-07)

Compatible with Redmine 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.3.x.

Added Activity table to analyze Journals, Wiki Edits and Commits.

0.0.2 (2015-07-14)

Compatible with Redmine 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.3.x.

User ratings

  by Ivan Tsybanenko over 5 years ago

Works great in 3.3
Doesn't work in 3.4

  by Akitoshi Itoh almost 7 years ago

  by Quan VN almost 8 years ago


  by RICARDO OLIVEIRA about 8 years ago

Excelent, very practical and useful

  by Matias Fusaro about 8 years ago

Great plugin!

  by Hide MATSUTANI over 8 years ago

This is almost what I wanted to do.
Only one additional request is that
I'd like to refer the issue queries when I click the number in the pivot tables.
For example, I'd like to get the queried issues, where %done=0 and AssignedTo=me.

  by Jeff Larsen over 8 years ago

Brilliant plugin. The ability to pivot issues makes it incredibly simple to drill-down to see the exact information you are looking for. The utility of this plugin becomes more valuable as the number of issues increases.

  by Hisham Said over 8 years ago

Note: Compatible with 3.1.1.stable as well.

The plugin itself is very useful in concept, yet being implemented on the client side using javascript limits its potential very much and decreases its added value.

  by Shawn Dibble almost 9 years ago

Compatible with 3.0.3 as well.