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Redmine Preview Docx

This plugin's functionality is now continued in "redmine_more_previews":

Plugin to show docx attachments in attachment preview pane.

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Preview Inline

Plugin to show attachments inline in issues, documents and edit dialog

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Preview Office

This plugin's functionality is now continued in "redmine_more_previews":

Plugin to preview Microsoft Office Documents in Redmine's preview pane. Requires that Libreoffice is installed.
Supports: ...

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Preview PDF

This plugin's functionality is now continued in "redmine_more_previews":

Show even large pdf attachments in Redmine's attachment preview pane prior to downloading. This plugin will show the first ...

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Thumbnail PDF

Show pdf attachments as thumbnailable image

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Touch-Context-Menu

Enables the context menu on a mobile touch device. The JavsScript file provided here is a modified file of the orginal context_menu.js file providing the context menu.

By Stephan Wenzel



Redmine Agile Plugin: the best tool to manage your projects

Display Redmine Issues as tasks cards on an Agile board, allowing teams to prioritize, assign and track issues efficiently. Move cards by drag&drop and customize them. Plan Sprint a...

By Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP)


Redmine Announcements

Adds arbitrary site announcements to redmine.

Root announcements are displayed on every project or even on the login screen if chosen to do so.

Project announcements are only shown within the proj...

By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine More Previews

Preview various file types in redmine's preview pane. Works for issue attachments, documents module, files module and repositories.

As of version 4.1.3 per project activation of plugin is supported


By Stephan Wenzel


Redmine Tint Issues

Tint issues in index view by age or begin date and due date. Thoroughly tested and does not slow down Redmine or database even on systems with > 50k issues. No migrations needed. Four ages to be colored and three periods of approaching due dates can be...

By Stephan Wenzel

