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Delivers push notifications (via "Pushover": to mobile devices in addition to or instead of email notifications.

By Jens Krämer


QA Contact

This plugin provides basic support for a QA Contact field on issues. Issue Categories can have a default QA Contact much like they have a default assignee.

By Aja Hammerly


Quarter - analysis of current project issues in time

This plugins helps to calculate quantity of issues in project
in different statuses and periods of time

Simple work-flow analysis.

efficient = 100*(closed.issues-closed.before)/(assigned_to + endless)

where assigned_to - assigned to personal ...

By Alexey Poliansky


Query with Version

This plugin adds select box to choose a version in the issues sidebar, and allows to search project issues by combination of a custom query condition and selected version.

By Takumi Endo


Question Plugin

Allow users to assign a journal's note to another user as if the note was a question.

Add a link in the sidebar panel to see all questions asked to the user.

Answering a question is achieved by writing a note on the issue where it was asked.


By Bishma Stornelli Ortega



Redmine Questions Plugin: Create FAQ, Q&A, knowledge bases, and idea reporting pages

Plugin replaces Redmine Forum module with a new, better interface and adds new features such as tags, votes, page views. You can have a forum in a style of ...

By Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP)


Quick Edit

Allows you to edit an issues fields(subject, parent id, custom fields...) at page of the issues on redmine.
Please try to right-click in the issues after the installation!

Supported fields :
- subject (can replace)
- description
- parent issue i...

By Akira Saito


Quick issue

Allows to create issues from the project's dashboard page. Really useful if you have a lot of projects in your redmine.

By Oleg Pasko


Quick Replies

Save time by creating quick replies that could be reused in any WYSIWYG editors.

By eXolnet Inc


Quick View

Quick View is a plug-in that can be viewed on the page of the issues description of the issue.
This feature is you can either double-click on the issue or context menu. and mousehover on issue link.

- Can be displayed in the dialog the ...

By Akira Saito

