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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)

Redmine Excel Connector

A convenient and powerful plugin to make redmine as a data center for Excel. With its help, you can load Readmine issues to Excel, and then arrage them as Excel style, and finally save them back to Redmine.


  • After login to Redmine ...

By Chan Li


Redmine Extended Project Roles

This plugin aims to facilitate the assignment of an issue to the right member of a project.
To do so, it provide the possibility to attribute a role within the project to every member in every project,
and display it beside its name in the assignment...

By BlueXML Company


Redmine Extended Watchers

In versions of Redmine prior to 4.2, non member users of a project could be added as issue watchers by member users without gaining the necessary view permission to see the project and the issue itself.
This plug-in was originally created to fix this ...

By Massimo Rossello


Redmine Feishu 飞书消息通知及免登插件

1. 任务创建及变更发送飞书消息通知
2. 移动端通过飞书免登授权可实现点击消息后可直接查看任务内容
3. 扫码或移动端登录后自动绑定飞书,绑定后用户可接收通知消息及免登
4. PC浏览器端支持扫码登录以及通过检测客户端授权登录
5. 支持是否启用飞书登录模块


By AiYuHang (Redminecn)


Redmine Filelinks

This plugin provides a macro for propperly formatting windows file links

By Five Above Infinity


Redmine Fixed Header plugin

It is a plugin for displaying fixed headers on the issue page when scrolling down.
"Online demo page":


By Yuji Yamamoto


Redmine Freshbooks

Redmine-Freshbooks integrates Freshbooks timelogging into Redmine. It allows for time entered into the time log in Redmine to be synced to a company Freshbooks account. Staff assignments are adhered to so that only those assigned to the Freshbooks proj...

By Dan Seaver


Redmine Freshbooks Sync

This Redmine plugin adds the ability to associate Redmine projects with FreshBooks Projects and push Redmine time entries to FreshBooks.

By Jeremy Hinegardner


Redmine Gantt Default Month

System administrator and project manager can preset ganttchart default month.

By ak iwasaki


Redmine Git Branch Hook

Operate the issue by Git BRANCH. For example,

1. Commits for branch ' story/#23 ' are related to issue ' #23 '.
2. Merging branch ' story/#23 ' to another branch (such as master) closes the issue ' #23 .'

**You do...

By Misaka Mikoto

