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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)

Assets Plugin

Provides a central location to view all your project's assets.

This will enable the `Assets` tab in your project. The assets tab groups assets by your different asset types.
The asset types currently supported are `Issues`, `Messages`, `Documents`...

By Brent Shaffer


Assign current date plugin

Assign current date to specified custom field on new Issue ticket.

When you click [New Issue] menu link, current date will be set to target custom field.

By team 888


Assign current user plugin

Assign current login user to specified custom field on new Issue ticket.

When you click [New Issue] menu link, current login user will be set to target custom field.

By team 888


Attach image from clipboard

Paste image from clipboard as an attachment.

  • uses pure client side JavaScript (no Java or Flash dependency)
  • attachment works for issues, wiki, news, files, documents, forums
  • image can be interactively cropped
  • tested *only with Googl...

By Richard Pecl


Attach Screenshot


This plugin allows attaching several screenshots from clipboard directly to a Redmine issue.


By Victor Dulepov


Attachable Items

Attach customizable items to issues.

By Emre Can Kucukoglu


Attachment Name Validator

This plugin validate attachment filename with regular expression.

By Aroan Kanor


Author box

This plugin allows to add box(es) with project members of a particular role to the side bar of project overview and Wiki pages. This box contains member's gravatar, first name and last name (and other data if you have "Externded Profile":/plugins/exten...

By Andriy Lesyuk


Author notification emails

This plugin change default behaviour of emails notifications.

The main features are:
  • Change From email header to current log in user email address
  • Add Sender email header to
  • Add Reply-to email header to

By Dariusz Kowalski


Auto assigned user

If an user forget to assign the issue, this plugin will auto-assign to the project manager.

By Ludovic Gasc

