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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1154)

Redmine Sidekiq

  • Administrator can use the Sidekiq Web UI from the top menu.
  • Add to autoload_paths of the Plugin '/app/workers'.

By ogomori takashi


Redmine Silencer 3

Redmine Silencer 3

This is a 100% FREE Redmine Plugin. Upgraded version of well-known Redmine Silencer plugin designed to suppress email notifications (at will) when updating issues. Please contact the Ready Redmine team about additional func...

By Ready Redmine


Redmine Silent Statuses

This plugin disables/mutes email notifications if issue obtains specific status.

By Default Value


Redmine Simple Plugin

This plugin provides a simplified issue form.

When you create or edit an issue, you can switch between a simple and a standard issue form by clicking the Show simple interface / Show full interface link in the lower-right corner.

By Developer


Redmine Sitemap

Add the function to generate sitemap.xml to the published Redmine.
However, only content that non_member can display is included.

By Hiroki Yoshida


Redmine SLA

Redmine SLA

Manage SLAs in Redmine !


Redmine SLA plugin gives the possibility of managing service lev...



Redmine Slack

This plugin allows to send notifications from your Redmine installation to Slack.

It's heavily inspired by Redmine Messenger but supporting only Slack. This way, we can take advantage of a lot of rich features included on Slack.

By Kevin Porras


Redmine Slideshow

A slideshow plugin for Redmine based on Slideous

Transform a wiki page into a fullscreen slideshow..

Only tested on Redmine 1.2+

By Reuben Mallaby


Redmine SocioConnect

This is a plugin which will allow redmine users to sign up/sign in using their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

By Haseeb Khan


Redmine Spent time

This is a Redmine plugin which allow users to add spent time entries for issues they have worked on. It gives users a comfortable form to do queries about their spent time on projects, along with a little form to submit new entries. Of course also it’s...

By Eduardo Yáñez Parareda

