



From 2024-07-18 to 2024-07-21


13:23 Defect #41021: Unexpected behavior when switching to a status with no %-done value
Thank you @maeda for paying attention to this issue.
This is what I expect when changing the status forth and bac...
Liane Hampe
11:28 Feature #41044 (Closed): Add view hooks in My page
While writing the plugin, I realized that there is no hook available in "app/views/my/page.html.erb". Akihiro Sada


11:51 Defect #40948 (Closed): ActiveRecord::ValueTooLong error with git author longer than 255 characters
Merged to stable branches. Marius BĂLTEANU
09:48 Defect #26004 (Closed): Settings / Issue tracking: Can't move issue column between available and visible
08:45 Patch #40939: Add "underline" button to jsToolbar for CommonMark Markdown formatting
Thank you Mr. @maeda.
I have understood the historical context in which the @//ins@ comment was added.
In additio...
Yasu Saku
03:01 Patch #40939: Add "underline" button to jsToolbar for CommonMark Markdown formatting
Setting the target version to 6.0.0. Go MAEDA
05:42 Patch #13359: Add project identifier to List-Id header in notification emails for better Gmail filtering
I have wrote a new patch.
The previously proposed patches include the project identifier in the List-Id only when ...


10:26 Patch #41023 (Closed): Set default age parameter for User.prune to 30 days
Committed the patch in r22938. Go MAEDA
10:03 Patch #40939: Add "underline" button to jsToolbar for CommonMark Markdown formatting
Following the proposal made in #note-3, I have updated the patches.
1. The first patch corrects the comment in the...
02:47 Patch #13359: Add project identifier to List-Id header in notification emails for better Gmail filtering
Regarding my patch in #41031#note-1 that introduces the new setting @Setting.include_project_in_list_id@ to optionall... Go MAEDA


13:20 Patch #13359: Add project identifier to List-Id header in notification emails for better Gmail filtering
I found this issue the day after I posted #41031. In #41031, I wrote as follows:
> I propose adding the project id...
13:00 Feature #41031 (Closed): Include project identifier in List-Id header field of notification emails
Closing as a duplicate of #13359. Go MAEDA
11:54 Patch #40939: Add "underline" button to jsToolbar for CommonMark Markdown formatting
I investigated why the comment @// ins@ is used for the "Underline" button in markdown.js.
First, in Textile, whic...
08:28 Patch #41039 (Closed): Japanese translation update (r22936)
Committed the patch in r22937. Go MAEDA
08:25 Patch #41039 (Closed): Japanese translation update (r22936)
Translated @field_thousands_delimiter@. Go MAEDA
06:59 Feature #39997 (Closed): Add an option to render values of Integer- and Float-format custom fields with thousands delimiters
Committed the patches in r22933, r22934, and r22935.
* Now integer and float custom fields have a "Thousands delim...

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