



Results (12109)

Feature #35282 (Closed): Assign to former/previous assignee short cut
Hi, The "Assign to me" (#29285) feature is ... ortcut would be beneficial. On our team , issues are being assigned form person A to person ... rson A and person B. Person A assigns the issue to person B with comments. Person B adds his comments and assigns to issue to Person A. Person A sees the comments and adds is own and assigns the issue to Person B. If we'll have a "Assign to ... rs/groups on the list). Thnaks in advance. 2021-05-23 08:44
Feature #35281 (New): [Meta] (Issues) Custom (and Standard) Fields Grouping and Positioning
This is a meta-issue to track all related issues concerning the subject and which acts as a ... idual implementation proposals, like #30919). 2021-05-23 06:28
Feature #35270 (New): Grouping & Positioning of custom fields
For individual Issue view page format. Would like a more custo ... but not really as useful as it would be for issues. 2021-05-20 22:50
Patch #35268 (New): Issue.acts_as_searchable columns option cleanup
Hi, Just for the sake of completeness, in @Issue.acts_as_searchable@ the @columns@ option sho ... patch is attached. Best regards, Thomas 2021-05-20 16:29
Defect #35265 (Closed): Readmine: Create IssuePriority Enumeration give error
h2. I am using readmin 4.2 while create a Issue Priority It give me error. [46, 55] i ... #<IssuePriority id: nil, name: "Normal", position: nil, is_default: false, type: "IssuePriority", active: true, project_id: nil, par ..., 1) WHERE `enumerations`.`type` IN ('IssuePriority') AND `enumerations`.`parent_id` IS ... reate any enuumeration in redmine any help 2021-05-20 11:51
Defect #35258 (Closed): mouse-over creates on ... ent, instead of giving additional information
Hi to you all, Already in 4.1 redmine shows ... 2.20.1 Filesystem 2021-05-19 09:34
Defect #35252 (Closed): Project Versions: Default version is not editable
If you create a new version, then you are abl ... se the option is missing. !Edit_version.png! 2021-05-17 08:08
Defect #35248 (Confirmed): Hard-coded error messages in IssueStatus
Untranslated hard-coded string exists in source:trunk/app/models/issue_status.rb@20897#L113 <pre> def check_integrity if Issue.where(:status_id => id).any? raise "This status is used by some issues" elsif Tracker.where(:default_status_id ... status by some trackers" end end </pre> 2021-05-16 05:05
Defect #35242 (Closed): Journals are not returned via API
Hi, I was reading your documentation ([[Rest_Issues]]) that says on the "GET /issues.[format]" under includes: _for full list s ... se the list is the one on the endpoint "GET /issues/[id].[format]", and so it includes "journal ... a request to,attachments& ... not the "journals" field... what's going on? 2021-05-15 00:44
Feature #35237 (New): Configure default ordering for new Users via global Settingsb
in #589 there was the fix implemented to allo ... he behavior on ordering/sorting the notes in issues. This is good, but new users often do no ... /redmine/settings?tab=display would be great 2021-05-14 08:30
Feature #35229 (Closed): SSE refresh
Hi, I tried quite long time to developed solution how automatically refresh issue's notes without refreshing whole page. I ... e How I imagine it can works - focused on issue-detail page: On server running "services" who listen changes on issues (create issue, update issue, ...). If issue is new, then work as normal (like now). If issue is updated, then check attributes which was ... v #history, show tab History and Changes If issue is updated, then check attributes which was ... r question. With best regards David 2021-05-11 18:03
Feature #35228 (Closed): Email notifications on specified filters
Dear all, is there a plugin working for la ... email notifications. There has been the issue reminder plugin, but it seems it's not worki ... gin filling our needs. Thx Rgds Benjamin 2021-05-11 11:12
Defect #35226 (Closed): Add SameSite=Lax to cookies to fix warnings in web browsers
Firefox 88.0.1 shows the following warning in ... : 1px solid grey;}.samesite-none-warning.png! 2021-05-11 10:11
Defect #35225 (Resolved): Edit issue shows date in MM/DD/YYYY while the rest of the application shows YYYY/MM/DD
Dear redmine community Issue list DD-MM-YYYY Issue detail DD-MM-YYYY Issue edit MM-DD-YYYY Issue list and Issue details follows redmine date configuration but issue edit always use the MM-DD-YYYY format. Please, any advice what I'm doing wrong? 2021-05-11 08:39
Defect #35224 (New): Adding new project impossible with mandatory custom field of type users
Redmine: 4.1.2 Rails: PostgreSQL: 12.5 No Plugins I was just hit by this issue, kind of a logical bug: I cannot add a ne ... missing something trivial? Thanks 2021-05-10 21:35
Defect #35219 (Closed): Unable to add watchers to existing project in Redmine
We use Redmine within our organization for project management. Recently, we have noticed an issue where the “add” button for watchers does not ... . !b19ea10232456ae82a5f7138696ea648.png! 2021-05-07 17:47
Patch #35217 (Closed): Replace use of Digest::MD5 / Digest::SHA1 with ActiveSupport::Digest
Rails introduced @ActiveSupport::Digest@ to a ... est_class = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256 </pre> 2021-05-07 05:02
Feature #35216 (Closed): Create/Update custom fields via API
To maintain my custom fields I would like to ... piTestField</name> <customized_type>issue</customized_type> <field_format>lis ... <roles type="array"></roles> </pre> 2021-05-06 16:51
Patch #35215 (Closed): Don't display "No Matc ... inline autocomplete doesn't return any result
Hello there, it would be very helpful if w ... elf, but that just seems odd. Best regards 2021-05-06 11:02
Defect #35212 (New): Issues controller_issues_edit_* hooks not firing on bulk edit actions
I'm not sure if this was the intended functio ... stallation of redmine 4.2.0.stable that when issues are edited through bulk update actions (right clicking from the issue list) that the following hooks do not trigger: * controller_issues_edit_before_save * controller_issues_edit_after_save Upon closer examination of the system, I discovered that the IssueController.bulk_update method does not call the before and after This seems like an unintentional oversight, so I'm reporting it here. We fixe the issue by simply editing the method in our copy of the application. But this only fixes the issue for us. 2021-05-05 18:20
Defect #35211 (Closed): Pool de conexiones a BD MySQL
En pruebas de performance sobre Redmine insta ... Database adapter Mysql2 2021-05-05 17:40
Patch #35208 (Closed): Use `Time.use_zone` instead of ``
When temporarily overriding a time zone, it i ... t.rb (作業コピー) @@ -386,11 +386,10 @@ issue = Issue.find(3) user = User.find(1) %w(U ... .zone = zone - assert_match /^redmine\.issue-3\.20060719190727\.1@example\.net/, Mailer.token_for(issue, user) + Time.use_zone(zone) do + assert_match /^redmine\.issue-3\.20060719190727\.1@example\.net/, Mailer.token_for(issue, user) + end end - ensure - = zone_was end test "#issue_add should notify project members" do </code></pre> 2021-05-05 10:04
Defect #35201 (Closed): Duplicate entries in issue filter values
when filtering the issue list for multiple assignees, the redisplayed ... as observed on 3.4 through to current master. 2021-05-04 12:03
Defect #35199 (New): HookTest resets all listeners - core tests run inconsistently with plugins
When a test runner is invoked and the tests i ... [plugin_tutorial]] to encourage core testing. 2021-05-03 00:57
Feature #35196 (New): Version tracking (allow ... out tickets which don't affect given version)
I am new to Redmine, but one basic feature wh ... elps: # It clarifies which versions a given issue affects (mostly relevant to developers). # It allows to filter out issues which do not affect the version relevant (m ... mple, Redmine currently has over 10 thousand issues reported. But it may be that fewer than 5 t ... o seriously inefficient to search and report issues in mature software without such a feature. A basic scenario is that if a certain issue x is solved in version 2.0, then that issue does not affect version 2.0. However, there are more complex cases. For example, that same issue does not affect version 2.1, as version 2.1 ... here a solution is reverted. For example, if issue A is reintroduced in version 2.2, then versi ... or to 2.0. Even for simpler cases when an issue is solved once for good, branches complicate things. For example, if ... 2021-05-02 23:25