



Results (12110)

Feature #3037 (Closed): Ability to filter updates in issue history
Often where we have multiple user types acces ... ike to _hide_ certain items in their view of issue history. Typically this applies to Business ... allow filtering based on role would be good. 2009-03-24 01:01
Feature #3035 (New): Reminder at start-date
[[RedmineReminderEmails|Reminder]] sends emails for issues _due_. It's also be useful to send emails at _start_. It can be used in future tasks planing. 2009-03-23 19:30
Feature #3033 (Closed): Bug Reporting: Using "Create and continue" should show bug id of saved bug
When I fill out the form to report a bug and ... todo" in the sourcecode) i have to click on "Issues" first and search for my bug. I would w ... a full link to my sourcecode. thanks. 2009-03-23 18:50
Feature #3031 (New): context menu won't allow Assigned_To change cross projects
If you select a bunch of tasks and pull up the context menu, if the issues include more than one project you can not change the Assigned To. This is a real issue when, for example, a user is retasked that has issues scattered across multiple projects. Coul ... o the Assigned To is allowed to be changed? 2009-03-23 17:03
Feature #3030 (New): [#2614] one can not change the repository in Setting/Repository, just delete
In all my projects (and others as well) on ht ... ancer on two thin instance. DB is postgresql. 2009-03-23 16:27
Feature #3026 (Closed): Project tree
I would be nice to have a project tree with s ... ling tickets a lot easier with many ticktes. 2009-03-23 11:56
Feature #3021 (Closed): Extend search with plugins
For now the search scope in search controller ... arch_controller.rb @object_types = %w(issues news documents changesets wiki_pages messag ... r search function into redmine's search page. 2009-03-22 10:15
Patch #3019 (Closed): Add hook to successful_authentication method
The attached patch provides a hook called aft ... tify users of changes since their last login. 2009-03-20 18:39
Feature #3017 (Closed): Adding filters over existing query
It would be nice if it were possible to add f ... For example I have a saved query with all my issues and maybe several other conditions. On top ... them if needed) using the query as a "base". 2009-03-20 15:38
Feature #3013 (Closed): Several hooks needed for a plugin (context menu and page top)
In order to allow a plugin to change the issues context menu I would need a hook in _app/views/issues/context_menu.rhtml_ at the end. Also I w ... oject selector partial would help. Thanks! 2009-03-19 08:12
Feature #3012 (Closed): version field request
I am checking up "Redmine" to change issue tracking system from "JIRA" to "Redmine". B ... as follows. * allow the version field on an issue to assign multiple versions. * add "affecte ... d. (means which versions are affected by the issue) * add "multiple select" custom field. (Fea ... |- ... </pre> If I fix core-module, the issue has much effect on some projects. So I want ... . I want you to think about these features. 2009-03-19 02:24
Feature #3011 (Closed): [Gantt] Show issue with not start date yet as (potentially) starting today
Currently, issues with no start date are not shown on the Gan ... n. As for #2269, we set the start date of an issue only when somebody starts working on it. Thi ... a false confidence that there are less open issues than the reality. It would be good if these issues were displayed in the Gantt chart regardles ... ne solution to display these start-date-less issues would be to make them look like they are st ... showing the current date on the Gantt chart. 2009-03-19 01:01
Feature #3007 (Closed): Convert Enumerations to single table inheritance (STI)
I think Redmine's outgrown it's current Enume ... @Enumerations.priorities@ => @Priority.all@ 2009-03-18 23:02
Defect #3004 (Closed): Field lock version lacks translation
When two people edit the same issue at the same time, I get the following message appended to the issue's changes: > translation missing: en, fie ... to 6, but I have _no_ idea what that means". 2009-03-18 17:46
Feature #3003 (New): Better handling of unknown and aliased email addresses when submitting issue via email
Currently incoming emails from unknown addres ... could be avaialable to the administrator). 2009-03-18 16:38
Defect #3002 (Closed): My Redmine is not sending email notifications
Hi guys, I'm trying to set Redmine to sen ... le has the follow info: <pre> Processing IssuesController#edit (for at 2009-0 ... "notes"=>"Teste email nova2", "controller"=>"issues", "issue"=>{"start_date"=>"2009-03-18", "estimated_ho ... ""}}} Redirected to Completed in 1.57466 (0 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.31442 (19%) | 302 Found [] Processing IssuesController#show (for at 2009-0 ... {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"8", "controller"=>"issues"} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering issues/show.rhtml Completed in 0.61072 (1 reqs/se ... : 0.34227 (56%) | 200 OK [ 2009-03-18 16:13
Feature #3001 (Closed): "Assign to" history in filter or etc.
It will be nice if you implement possibility ... that problem. Sorry for my english. Thanks. 2009-03-18 16:11
Feature #3000 (Closed): New issue - Affected version droplist
We would very much like to see the option to specify the affected version of our projects, when issues are reported. Based on the Target versio ... cts, would greatly aid the debugging process. 2009-03-18 15:43
Defect #2996 (Closed): Assigning issue to user should update status
Assigning issue to user should update status to assigned and ... can see this hasnt changed in later versions. 2009-03-18 10:46
Feature #2995 (Closed): Improve error message when trying to access an archived project
If you try to access an issue that is inside a project that has been archi ... is project has been archived. To access this issue you will need to unarchive the issue at /admin/projects". (The code in que ... o see if the parent project of the requested issue is active and returns a 403 if not) 2009-03-18 03:32
Feature #2993 (Closed): 50k users cause problems in project->settings->members screen...
I have 50k+ users. Whenever I open project ... ve under administration->users ? Thank you 2009-03-17 21:29
Defect #2992 (Closed): Each POST causes an ERROR 500
Each time I "POST" something to Redmine, it f ... eferer: http://somewhere.tld/projects/neptis/issues [Tue Mar 17 19:49:31 2009] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: issues, referer: http://somewhere.tld/issues/bulk_edit?ids%5B%5D=1054&ids%5B%5D=1055 ... several times and this problem is still here. 2009-03-17 19:52
Patch #2991 (Closed): Spent time field shouldn't be report unless it has value
Spent time field shouldn't be reported unless ... time is with the timesheet plugin. In the issues show view you could do: <pre> <% if ... iew_time_entries, @project) %> <% if @issue.spent_hours > 0 %> <td class="spen ... pent-hours"><%= (link_to lwr(:label_f_hour, @issue.spent_hours), {:controller => 'timelog', :action => 'details', :project_id => @project, :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-time') %> <% end %> <% end %> </pre> 2009-03-17 19:30
Defect #2990 (Closed): Ruby 1.9 - wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) on rake db:migrate
<pre> whs@WHSServer1 /var/redmine % sudo rak ... xt = txt.gsub(/[“�]/, '"') if txt </pre> 2009-03-17 17:03
Defect #2988 (Closed): a <tag> on issue subject is treated as html tags in list of issues and show issue
we are currently extending redmine and have this issue. if you will add an issue with a subject e.g. "this is an issue <cool>". this will be saved but on the list of issues and on showing of issue, only this text will be displayed, "this is an issue". the "<cool>" will not be displayed but was ... though on our end we already fixed it. :D 2009-03-17 10:31