



Results (12110)

Patch #2130 (Closed): Hungarian language file updated to r1977
Hungarian language file updated to r1977 2008-11-04 14:38
Feature #2128 (New): Problems when 'Assigned To' field doesn't match 'Assigned' issue tracker
There are problems when the Assigned To field is set, but the issue tracker is not set to _assigned_. A non-memb ... when they don't have permission to make the issue _assigned_. The issue then shows up in the assignee's "Issues assigned to me" area even when it _has not_ ... gned. Note that others struggle with this issue as well. See also #349, #640, and #1919. ... Assigned-to field and show it only when the issue is _assigned_. # Prevent a New issue from getting an assignment at all. # Make t ... mbers can be denied the ability to change it. 2008-11-03 23:15
Patch #2126 (Closed): Slovak language pack
I have created Slovak (SK) language pack. The ... d (~95%). Maybe someone will appreciate it ;) 2008-11-02 20:32
Defect #2123 (Closed): Incoming Emails Overrides
There is an issue when overriding the Tracker when sending an ... ill override the project but not the tracker. 2008-11-01 20:59
Defect #2122 (Closed): URL in send_reminders email for 'View all issues' is incorrect.
In the emails send_reminder sends out, the URL inserted for the 'View all issues' link is not correct if you have the projec ... ut it looks to do the same thing in HEAD too. 2008-11-01 17:50
Feature #2120 (Closed): Different views between develop and funcional
Using Redmine I have problems linking with SC ... patch I can see now the revision link on my Issue: <pre> *************** *** 83,88 **** ... - action = match[0] target_issue_ids = match[1].scan(/\d+/) target_issues = repository.project.issues.find_all_by_id(target_issue_ids) + + #Ora i child + Proje ...]).each { |cp| + target_issues = target_issues + cp.issues.find_all_by_id(target_issue_ids) + } + if fix_status && ... tion.downcase) # update status of issues logger.debug "Issues fixed by changeset #{self.revision}: #{issue_ids.join(', ')}." if logger && logger.debug? ... eview my project ? Thanks a lot, Andrea 2008-10-31 18:28
Defect #2119 (Closed): Template Error - Results in Internal Error in browser
I installed passenger and setup Apache2 my in ... passenger-2.0.3/bin/passenger-spawn-server:46 2008-10-31 17:58
Defect #2118 (Closed): Can not access a particular issue
Hi, I have migrated from Trac to Redmine and ... ow I have a little problem with a particular issue. Currently i can access all issues within the project with this single exeception ( <pre>Internal error An error ... /trunk (R1975). May be someone has a hint? 2008-10-31 16:23
Feature #2117 (Closed): Alternative view for "Projects" page
When handling multiple projects with one Redm ... ts, new view or list view for many projects). 2008-10-31 14:04
Patch #2114 (New): Fixed Bugs in Importer Area
Hi, i have created separate class and unit test to fix the following issues: #1949, #1950, #2023, #2052, #2053, #2054 ... preciated. Kind regards Karl Heinz Marbaise 2008-10-30 22:15
Defect #2113 (Closed): test
test issue 2008-10-30 17:35
Defect #2111 (Closed): Hook issue in some places of redmine
I'm with a problem with hook api, i made a pl ... ur and break time instead only hours, in the issue view, the hook works very nice in view and i ... b88dc20b4 Parameters: {"action"=>"edit", "issue_id"=>"2", "controller"=>"timelog"} SQL (0 ... HERE ("users"."id" = 3) AND (status = 1) Issue Load (0.001157) SELECT * FROM "issues" WHERE ("issues"."id" = 2) Project Load (0.000951) SE ... rescues/layout.erb (internal_server_error) @ 2008-10-30 12:34
Defect #2109 (Closed): Context menu is being submitted twice per right click
The right click context menu on issues is being submitted twice for each right cli ... see it right here on # Go to issues list # Select some issues # Right click # Notice multiple POST requ ... bound above. Can someone else confirm this issue for me? * Browser: Firefox 3 * OS: Linux 2008-10-29 18:57
Defect #2107 (Closed): Issue Filter for "Target Version" vanishes without warning when "All Projects" is checked
When you create an issue filter with the parameter "Target Version" b ... ed instead of the "Target Version" parameter. 2008-10-29 17:53
Patch #2106 (New): Ability to choose period in 'Spent time' and count of watched issues on 'My page'.
This patch add ability to choose period in 'Spent time' and count of watched issues on 'My page'. Please, include it if you think this feature is useful for your. Thanks! 2008-10-29 17:47
Feature #2104 (Closed): module and/or plugin for voting
The team in charge of a project may need to v ... what people want, standalone or linked to an issue). I hope I describe it here clearly enough s ... that it being a plugin is an implementation issue. h2. Structure of a vote (db description) ... ring a number between given min/max values. 2008-10-28 02:01
Defect #2102 (Closed): Inline images don't wo ... per case letters or if image is in BMP format
I am using the following redmine / environmen ... for details: * uploaded files + textile of issue note: !s240.png! * result: !s241.png! 2008-10-28 01:19
Feature #2098 (Closed): Role issues
Hi, it would be great to have role based issues. We have some departments who are too sm ... project would get a notification that a new issue was created for their role group, and that any of those can pick it up. Thanks, Ingmar 2008-10-27 09:20
Patch #2097 (Closed): Traditional Chinese language file (to r1954)
* Added & relocated tags: *permission_edit_pr ... rmission_manage_categories*, *permission_add_issues*, *permission_edit_issues*, *permission_manage_issue_relations*, *permission_add_issue_notes*, *permission_edit_issue_notes*, *permission_edit_own_issue_notes*, *permission_move_issues*, *permission_delete_issues*, *permission_manage_public_queries*, *perm ... *permission_view_calendar*, *permission_view_issue_watchers*, *permission_add_issue_watchers*, *permission_log_time*, *permissio ... _edit_messages*, *permission_delete_messages* 2008-10-27 06:42
Feature #2096 (Closed): Custom fields referencing system tables (users and versions)
I want to add custom field, which is named as ... When a bug has fixed(solved), we passes the issue to specified tester or QA. The QA or tester ... dmine system tables", which might be users, issues, projects, and so on. 2008-10-27 02:03
Defect #2094 (Closed): Preview during Update of an existing Issue / Description Change
If i create a new issue with some descriptonal text in there. After ... in the top area where the previously created issue is shown nor in the bottom *Preview* area anything is shown. 2008-10-26 21:32
Feature #2093 (New): Text over the "New Issue" Area
I have asked for a way to prefix the *New Issue* Area with a supplemental text, but the "ans ... l text before the *Tracker* area on the *New Issue* page. May be should call it a Hint-Message ... // too. That would be great. 2008-10-26 21:12
Defect #2086 (Closed): Newly created trackers do not appear in the New Issue drop down
I am fairly new to Redmine so maybe I have mi ... same workflow as "bug". When entering a new issue, the new tracker was not in the drop down li ... table True RMagick available (optional) True 2008-10-24 15:54
Feature #2085 (New): AuthSourceHTTP for HTTP Authentification
People now use a lot of Web apps (cms, web ma ... atch, but I'm not a Ruby/Rails expert at all. 2008-10-24 12:02
Feature #2083 (Closed): CustomField of type "external-link-to" with configurable URL prefix
Idea is to allow user to input some value, an ... ay/space/somewikipage'>Check This</a> </pre> 2008-10-24 11:48