



Results (12109)

Feature #1208 (New): Restructured text support for the wiki
We're a heavy user of Trac's support for rest ... ut figured I'd register the request at least. 2008-05-08 06:13
Patch #1207 (Closed): Redmine::Scm::Adapters::GitAdapter#get_rev ignored GIT_BIN constant
<pre> cmd="git --git-dir #{target('')} show ... -- #{shell_quote path}" if </pre> This issue causes @get_rev@ calls to fail if someone changed default @GIT_BIN@ path. 2008-05-08 00:58
Feature #1206 (Closed): Tag / directory functionality for "files" and "documents"
When not working in programming project, the ... f my colleagues are familiar with subversion. 2008-05-07 21:06
Feature #1203 (Closed): Show projectname in feed subject
I have a feed for "Overall activity" going. ... link to our Redmine to see where it belongs). 2008-05-07 14:14
Feature #1201 (Closed): Add preview option to patches attached to issues
Like Trac does :-] It autodetects diff/patch ... to the one used for comparing file revisions. 2008-05-07 13:08
Patch #1199 (Closed): Mercurial adapter
I spent some time on the Mercurial adapter. I ... 0.9.5 and on Windows with Mercurial 1.0. 2008-05-07 11:53
Patch #1198 (Closed): Hungarian translation
Redmine is the best issue tracking software what i've used. This tran ... to your work. It's according to version 0.7 2008-05-07 10:53
Patch #1197 (Closed): Remove edit step from Status context menu
Currently if you right click on the issue list and change the status, you are sent to ... ctly, similar to Priority or Assigned to. 2008-05-07 02:18
Feature #1196 (New): Add versioning for Files and Documents
Would it be possible to implement some versio ... into subversion or CVS e.g Statement of Work 2008-05-07 00:14
Feature #1195 (New): Membership logging
I think it would be useful to log people who ... patch for this, if anyone else is interested. 2008-05-06 23:19
Feature #1193 (New): Staff-only notes with Role-base access control
Hi I'm sure that the following would be really useful: to have the special category of the Issue Notes - Staff-only Notes, with Role-based ac ... Really eager to have it! Thanks, Dmitry 2008-05-06 20:20
Defect #1192 (Closed): IE 6.0 Timeout Problem
People who are working in IE 6.0 for a longer time, start getting timeout issues randomly after sometime. Anonther site that has an API for ruby...addresses this issue like this *"IE6 Timeout The infamous timeout issue with IE6 in a deployed environment. Most of ... fault this option is set to false. The other issue with caching an IE6 is that you will need to ... :xml => chart.to_xml end "* 2008-05-06 17:50
Feature #1191 (Closed): Allow custom column choice in issue browser
When creating a custom query one is able to c ... t least hint the user that this is possible). 2008-05-06 16:39
Defect #1190 (Closed): Custom querry 'Export to PDF' ignores field selection
When a new custom querry is created without ' ... rter - it simply outputs the default columns. 2008-05-06 16:36
Feature #1189 (Closed): Multiselect custom fields
My project manager wants to be able to assign an issue to multiple target versions (customer requir ... ersion', but I suppose this is not possible?) 2008-05-06 16:32
Feature #1188 (Closed): Commit-message author-mapping with Redmine user account
When the commit author matches an existing us ... BTW, it would be nice if those user names in issue History were actual hyperlinks to user accounts. 2008-05-06 16:19
Feature #1187 (New): Relate a Wiki page to a project module.
It would be very useful if one can define a w ... oduction about how to operate in that module. 2008-05-06 16:08
Patch #1186 (Closed): JS should be cached in production mode to save bandwith and cpu
Attached in very small patch to allow caching the JS files in production mode. 2008-05-06 15:56
Defect #1185 (Closed): Login using Mac OS X OpenDirectory (LDAP) not working
Hi, I've setup a LDAP Auth Source using a ... cal accounts work fine). Thanks, Philippe 2008-05-06 15:35
Feature #1184 (Closed): time-display
it's difficult for me to enter e.g. the „Esti ... as 2 hours 48 minutes instead of 2.80 hours … 2008-05-06 15:35
Defect #1182 (Closed): wiki : redMine 500 error
Using Redmine 0.7.1 i've a projekt and if i t ... tried other Start-page-names, no one worked … 2008-05-06 13:56
Feature #1179 (Closed): Optionally allow Text and Long Text custom fields support wiki formatting
It would be very helpful if Text and Long Tex ... iki format" next to the "Required" checkbox). 2008-05-05 20:02
Defect #1178 (Closed): NoMethodError on @available_filters.has_key?
Bugs on bad filters... I cant access anymore to issues. Fix : line 230 in query.rb @label = @a ... ield) *unless @available_filters.nil?*@ 2008-05-05 19:13
Feature #1176 (New): Recurring Tasks
Can we implement recurring tasks in Redmine? ... be difficult to implement a "Repeat" feature? 2008-05-05 16:32
Defect #1174 (Closed): Thai Character Not Display Correctly Using PDF Export
I'm using Redmine 0.7.devel.1415 (MySQL) The problem occur when i export pdf file from issue module, that the character not display corre ... se see attach redmine.pdf and fineprint.pdf 2008-05-05 06:30