



Results (12109)

Defect #1173 (Closed): Internal error at Issues page
Encounter 500 error when select specific parameter at Issues page. Environment: Postgres 8.2.5 + Redmine 0.7.0 To reproduce the issue, select Status = All, Author = Me, press apply, will return a 500 page. Afterwards the Issues page cannot be shown. Workaround: clear all cookies of the browser. <pre> Processing IssuesController#index (for x.x.x.x at 2008-05-05 ... _id"=>"x", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"issues"} ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGEr ... tax for integer: "" : SELECT count(DISTINCT AS count_all FROM issues LEFT OUTER JOIN issue_statuses ON = issues.status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON = issues.project_id WHERE (... 2008-05-05 04:47
Feature #1171 (New): Add workflow for custom fields
It will be good to have 'workflow' for custom ... le) and to have default value for each state. 2008-05-04 21:51
Patch #1170 (Closed): export issue to pdf will messup when use Chinese language
When using Chinese language, exporting issue to pdf will messup when the issue description is too long to be auto line brok ... hem because I cann't read japanese or korean. 2008-05-04 18:08
Defect #1169 (Closed): NoMethodError in IssuesController#new
+Redmine 0.6.3 update to Redmine 0.7.0 RC1+ . when click "New issue" ,system reply : @NoMethodError in IssuesController#new @ 2008-05-04 15:05
Defect #1168 (Closed): No Mehod Error
After upgrade from redmine 0.4 to 0.7 I've go ... Error (undefined method `display_subprojects_issues?' for #<Class:0xb73d76d0>): /var/www ... tml (500 Internal Server Error) </pre> 2008-05-03 00:10
Defect #1165 (Closed): filtering issue problem
Hello. Im using redmine 0.7, which was migrated from a previous 0.5.0 version. When I go to Issues and filter by "Status => All", it gives an ... the generated SQL: SELECT count(DISTINCT AS count_all FROM issues LEFT OUTER JOIN issue_statuses ON = issues.status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON = issues.project_id WHERE (issues.project_id = 17 AND (issues.status_id IS NOT NULL AND issues.status_id <> '')) Since status_id is an ... o do with this line in the Redmine code? @issue_count = Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project], :cond ... gresql 8.2.4 backend on a Centos 5 (RHAS5) 2008-05-02 18:17
Defect #1162 (Closed): An Internal error wehn use an UPCASE language name in coderay
when I new an issue and input some codes like <pre><pre><code c ... 37:in `compile_and_render_template' </pre> 2008-05-02 07:52
Feature #1159 (Closed): Allow issue description to be searchable as a filter
Currently, we can add one or many filters to search issues, including Subject. I would love to see the ability to search the Description field of an issue in the same way we can search the Subject field. 2008-05-01 20:29
Feature #1158 (New): Polls
I think it will be very useful to have polls ... d maybe to have a link between a poll and an issue(and vice-versa). Or it could be an attribute of an issue. Of course, what would be a poll without ... e chart with the poll result is necessary. 2008-05-01 15:37
Feature #1157 (Reopened): Gantt chart for a user across all projects
Hi, first off can I say what a great tool you ... view across would be good. Thanks Nick 2008-05-01 15:24
Feature #1151 (New): Open Links in New-Window
actualy each detetected link in ticet-descrip ... ll if this behavior will be added to redmine. 2008-05-01 11:14
Feature #1149 (Closed): file size display with Bazaar repositories
Currently, the file size is shown as "?" when ... tory. The attached patch (partly) fixes that issue. Please note that this patch is far from ... en and determine the byte count in Ruby then. 2008-04-30 16:12
Defect #1147 (Closed): Updating tickets add a time log with zero hours
Updating a ticket but leaving the "spent time ... on the spent time details and reports. This issue has only started occuring recently on trunk, ... sion I was at before this started happening). 2008-04-30 07:41
Patch #1146 (Closed): Patch for protecting wiki pages (#851)
I submitted this a while ago but I believe it ... dn't submit it as a separate ticket from the issue I was fixing. I've cleaned it up so that it works on latest trunk 2008-04-29 22:00
Defect #1145 (Closed): https - not all links use https but http
I have set up redmine 0.7.0 behind an SSL ena ... t some links go to http: Home, Logout, Login. 2008-04-29 20:34
Feature #1144 (Closed): Time tracking activities on a per project basis
Today, we are able to define only global time ... ng activities on a per project basis as well. 2008-04-29 19:46
Feature #1143 (Closed): Hooks for plugins
This feature is just an idea, I don't have an ... he code directly. For example, with a pre-issue-change hook I could implement issue reassignment based on the current state of the issue, so that new issues always went to the same person for triage, ... in writer to redefine for their own purposes. 2008-04-29 14:04
Feature #1142 (New): CC list for issues
It would be nice to have a CC: list of people to notify when the issue gets modified/commented. The people in the ... might cover #1133 in a more general fashion. 2008-04-29 13:57
Feature #1141 (Closed): PDF customization
Is there a way to customize the display of th ... splay the target version in the pdf as wewll. 2008-04-29 13:45
Feature #1140 (New): Filtering using more than one instance of each field
I would like to filter issues using more than one instance of each field. Example: issues with subject containing "email" but not containing "server"... 2008-04-29 13:21
Feature #1139 (Closed): Being able to sort the issue list by custom fields
Issue list is sortable only by standard fields. It should be useful being able to sort the issue list by custom fields. 2008-04-29 13:09
Feature #1138 (Closed): Issue templates
It would be cool to allow "pre-filled issues" where some fields are already set to their ... parameters in the URL ( etc.) or by defining "issue templates" in the admin. (first issue btw, feel free to correct things that I did wrong, or if I'm unclear). 2008-04-29 13:02
Patch #1135 (Closed): Traditional Chinese language file zh.yml updated to r1378
* *added & relocated tag*: text_subprojects_d ... *changed tags*: setting_display_subprojects_issues 2008-04-29 03:12
Defect #1134 (Closed): Search for target version of "none" fails
Searching issues for a target version of "none" produces the ... r on Postgresql 8.3. This is due to the *...issues.fixed_version_id = '' ...* clause even though it is an integer. bq. <pre> Processing IssuesController#index (for at 2008- ... "cf_1"=>"="}, "controller"=>"issues", "values"=>{"cf_2"=>[""], "start_date"=>[" ... L54 Rpg_atoi: SELECT count(DISTINCT AS count_all FROM issues LEFT OUTER JOIN issue_statuses ON = issues.status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON = issues.project_id WHERE (issues.project_id = 1 AND (issue... 2008-04-29 02:06
Feature #1133 (New): Email to individuals not registered in Redmine
One of our projects is used to track hotl ... bers of the project, being able to route the issue to the best, or available, person to fix the issue. We have already customized a field on the t ... able to email the original requester of the issue when the issue is closed. I can think of two ways to do this. # is to allow us, when we close the issue, to specify an email address to send to, in ... fied in redmine. # to be able to submit the issue in behalf of the original requester, not the ... Thanks for your hard work on a valuable tool. 2008-04-28 18:51