Patch #1671
openShow a breakdown of estimated/spent/remaining time for a version
It adds time metrics to Version page (click on Roadmap page, then on version link to get there).
We made it to help us plan future releases and better control in-progress ones.
- Remaining time above shows sum of issues' unspent estimates;
- Total is Remaining + Spent, i.e. what time the version is going to take currently;
- In Issue metrics box below it adds Time progress showing Spent vs. Total, and exact values for Estimate, Spent and Remaining times for given category;
- Issue metrics previously didn't show data for issues having chosen attribute not assigned. This is fixed here, see that [Not Assigned] group in screenshot;
- Drill-through links from Issue metrics box didn't show closed issues, this is fixed here.
Tests are included, translations are made for English and Russian, English stubs are made for other languages.
The patch is made against Redmine trunk r1682. It can be considered as solution to #1561.
Contributed by Texuna Technologies company.
Related issues
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
- File version_times.patch version_times.patch added
Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
Looks like the content of test/unit/version_test.rb
is duplicated several times in the patch.
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
- File version_times.patch version_times.patch added
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
Eric Davis wrote:
Looks like the content of
is duplicated several times in the patch.
Yes, right, occasionally version_test.rb contained the same class several times. Attached fixed version.
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
Updated with
It introduces 'development complete' flag for issue status. Remaining time is
now calculated as max(estimated - spent, 0) only for open issues that are not in 'development complete'
status (we have only Resolved as such).
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
Artem Vasiliev wrote:
Updated with
+ test fix for this:
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
Updated with
Version page: show not estimated (undone) issues count.
Count is a link that leads to relevant issues list.
For this 2 new filter operators added for status: 'done' (which is closed or 'development complete') and 'undone'.
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
- File version_times.png version_times.png added
Updated by Weverton Morais over 16 years ago
Will these changes be done on RedMine official next version?
Updated by Artem Vasiliev over 16 years ago
Weverton Morais wrote:
Will these changes be done on RedMine official next version?
Not sure about it. But you could use version at - it has 'download' button for getting zip. I'm keeping it in sync with Redmine's trunk.
Updated by Eric Davis about 16 years ago
Artem Vasiliev wrote:
Not sure about it. But you could use version at - it has 'download' button for getting zip. I'm keeping it in sync with Redmine's trunk.
Artem Vasiliev, any chance you can break your custom features into separate branches for me? Then I can pull them into the core and you wouldn't have to merge them anymore. Right now I get a list of all your changes with no way to pick out single features.
Updated by Artem Vasiliev about 16 years ago
Eric Davis wrote:
Artem Vasiliev, any chance you can break your custom features into separate branches for me? Then I can pull them into the core and you wouldn't have to merge them anymore. Right now I get a list of all your changes with no way to pick out single features.
Hi Eric!
I think I could do that on feature-by-feature basis. E.g. you ask me to make individual branch for this (#1671) ticket and I do it. Ok?
Please note that I'll have much less time for Redmine starting from next week (02/02), so better start on this week.
Best regards,
Updated by Javier Barroso almost 16 years ago
We are interesting in using redmine_tt fork, but I have questions ...
How can we apply your redmine_tt diff into redmine ?
Is there any plan to integrate in trunk ?
Is it just integrated ?
Thank you
Updated by Artem Vasiliev almost 16 years ago
Hi Javier!
Well you see, there's redmine_tt fork at GitHub. This is Redmine + our changes, so you can install it from beginning and work with it, or begin with plain Redmine and then switch to redmine_tt keeping the same database.
Redmine is a big project and process of integrating community's changes is not easy, and there are no plans integrating redmine_tt's changes to upstream AFAIK. And I'm not a Redmine core member after all )
But, redmine_tt can be upgraded time to time to merge changes from upstream thanks to Git's distributed nature. You can do it yourself, too: just make a fork from redmine_tt and do what you want.
Best regards,
Javier Barroso wrote:
We are interesting in using redmine_tt fork, but I have questions ...
How can we apply your redmine_tt diff into redmine ?
Is there any plan to integrate in trunk ?
Is it just integrated ?Thank you
Updated by mythos mint about 15 years ago
This is great. I'm wondering, is there a way to modify this so I show the remaining time per month under "Projects->Overview->Details" (redmine/projects/project_name/timelog/details) ?
This is what I want: In March I have 20 hours dedicated to Project X. It already totals how many hours spent in the project from the issues. I just want to show how many hours are remaining that month.
Updated by mythos mint about 15 years ago
It wouldn't let me upload an image, so I put it here @
Updated by Jérôme BATAILLE over 13 years ago
Hi Artem, we are developping almost the same feature,
Have you worked on branches on your Github repository ?
Updated by fake plastic tree over 13 years ago
+1 for core integration
or at least a patch file for redmine 1.2.1
Is anyone working on this?
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Mischa The Evil
This is one of my favorite issues too. I'll see if I can port the patches to a current checkout of the Redmine trunk (upcoming Redmine 1.3.0).
Updated by P S almost 11 years ago
- File version_times_251.diff version_times_251.diff added
I port this patch to Redmine 2.5.1
To apply patch download Redmine 2.5.1 and exec cmd
patch -p0 < version_times_251.diff
Updated by Benoit Duffez almost 10 years ago
Is it patchable over Redmine 3.0.x?
Updated by Ben Quinn over 9 years ago
- File version_times_320.diff version_times_320.diff added
Updated the patch from P S for redmine 2.5.1 to work with redmine 3.2.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 9 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #24277: Introducing Remaining Time field as method to track the remaining time to complete an issue added
Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] over 1 year ago
Could this ticket be included in the activities planned for version 6.0?
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 11 months ago
I attached a patch to #37862 that brings the Estimated remaining time information in version page. Please take a look.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 10 months ago
Estimated remaining time added to version page in r22858, now we should only add the breakdown in order to implement all the requirements from this issue.