



Results (12110)

Patch #32478 (Closed): Add missing fixture to TimelogControllerTest
TimelogControllerTest has failed. <pre> $ ... rror: TimelogControllerTest#test_index_with_issue_fixed_version_sort: ActiveRecord::RecordNot ... _controller_test.rb:1249:in `test_index_with_issue_fixed_version_sort' bin/rails test test ... rror: TimelogControllerTest#test_index_with_issue_fixed_version_column: ActiveRecord::RecordN ... _controller_test.rb:1198:in `test_index_with_issue_fixed_version_column' bin/rails test te ... Test :trackers, :enumerations, :issue_statuses, :custom_fields, :cust ... kers, - :custom_fields_projects, :issue_categories + :custom_fields_projects, :issue_categories, :versions include Redmine::I18n </code></pre> 2019-11-18 02:55
Defect #32476 (New): Sorting on multiple value fields is not working
Redmine4.0.x Tested on Issues. Tested format of the Multiple value fields ... totally not working on multiple value fields, 2019-11-15 09:15
Defect #32475 (New): changing status applies field permissions before save
When a user is changing the status of an issue, the workflow fields permissions for the new ... .8 Redmine version: 3.4.3.stable No plugins 2019-11-15 02:03
Defect #32471 (Closed): Layout of the custom ... the single edit page and the batch edit page
If you select and edit multiple issues, the custom fields are arranged vertically. On the other hand, if you select and edit one issue, the custom field is divided into left and r ... it into left and right for multiple edits in Issue. multiple editing(After fix): !bulk_edit ... The attached patch implements this feature. 2019-11-14 10:28
Defect #32470 (Closed): LDAP authentication is broken due to r18692
r18692 changed @AuthSourceLdap.get_attr@ meth ... </pre> Reverting r18692 should fix this issue (I have not yet tested it). 2019-11-14 04:07
Defect #32469 (Closed): Text copied from some ... pasted as an image in addition to plain text
When copying text from an Office product (e.g ... < items.length ; i++) { </code></pre> 2019-11-13 16:16
Patch #32461 (New): Allow Redmine:MyPage to be overriden in plugins
Hi, In the UserPreference model, Redmine:M ... in I try to publish : Thanks a lot. 2019-11-13 00:16
Defect #32450 (Closed): Attempts to get "" by Chrome DevTool causes RoutingError.
When using Chrome Devtools, Redmine raises * ... Affected versions: trunk Related to #31989 2019-11-12 03:32
Defect #32449 (Closed): Diff view for .js files in repositories is broken
When viewing a commit in the repository for a ... M: Git 2.17.1 2019-11-11 15:54
Patch #32444 (Closed): Add missing fixture to Redmine::WikiFormatting::MacrosTest
Redmine::WikiFormatting::MacrosTest#test_issue_macro_should_render_link_to_issue has failed. <pre> $ RAILS_ENV=test bundl ... e: Redmine::WikiFormatting::MacrosTest#test_issue_macro_should_render_link_to_issue [test/unit/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macro ... ed +++ actual @@ -1 +1 @@ -"<p><a class=\"issue tracker-1 status-1 priority-4 priority-lowest\" href=\"/issues/1\">Bug #1</a>: Cannot print recipes</p>" +"<p><a class=\"issue tracker-1 status-1 \" href=\"/issues/1\">Bug #1</a>: Cannot print recipes</p>" ... ns def setup super </code></pre> 2019-11-11 03:35
Defect #32442 (Closed): Upgrade vom 2.x to 4. ... voking "rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production"
I am following the instructions here: http:/ ... m not able to finish the upgrade procedure. 2019-11-10 16:12
Defect #32438 (Closed): Update the public site ti latest release
This because we can have a realistic feedback on some issues that is difficult to reproduce (for example #32314, #31241 etc) 2019-11-09 11:59
Feature #32436 (Closed): Add support for grouping by issue on timelog view
We can view how many hours we spend for the target issue and its child issues in timelog view (@/projects/${PROJECT}/time_entries?set_filter=1&f[]=issue_id&op[issue_id]=~&v[issue_id][]=${ISSUE_ID}@). If we can group by issue, we can confirm how many hours we spend for each issue in the view easily. It's useful to analysis which issue was heavy. The attached patch implements this feature. 2019-11-08 08:48
Patch #32435 (Closed): Change Russian translation for "Submit"
Now the “Apply” button (on the “Update” issue page) is translated to Russian as «Принять» ... myself and attach it here, please attach one. 2019-11-08 08:01
Patch #32432 (Closed): Avoid class name overlap that causes TypeError on `rake test:system test`
Running test via `rake test:system test` errs ... d! TypeError: superclass mismatch for class IssuesTest .../redmine/test/integration/issues_test.rb:22:in `<top (required)>' .../activ ... ss names that overlap with integration tests. 2019-11-07 07:30
Patch #32431 (Closed): Invalid association IssueCustomField#issue_custom_values
This "hm:t :issue_custom_values" association has been defined ... , but actually neither an association named :issue_custom_values nor a model named IssueCustomValue have appeared in the history. ... eRecord error: <pre> $ bundle e rails r '' Traceback (most recent call last): 16: ... /associations/builder/association.rb:108:in `issues' 4: from .../activerecord-5.2.3/lib/acti ... _validity!': Could not find the association :issue_custom_values in model IssueCustomField (ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughAsso ... hed patch just removes this dead association. 2019-11-07 06:42
Defect #32430 (Closed): Can't delete project in Redmine 4.0.3
Hi All, i login redmine as administrator, th ... the error. I have no idea how to fix this issue, please give me some hint. I appreciate your ... /pre> Do you have any idea for this? 2019-11-07 05:28
Feature #32426 (New): Search from journal for ... alue of specific field during specific period
Currently the query filter set can only search the last value of the fields of issues. And the filter "Updated" can only search ... r: query: updated + fieldvalue at that time 2019-11-06 15:56
Feature #32424 (Closed): CommonMark Markdown Text Formatting
This patch introduces a new text formatting n ... et is uncertain. Few excerpts from a "GitHub issue": , a year ago: > Commonmark won't be ... formatter solves a number of currently open issues regarding the RedCarpet based _Markdown_ Fo ... esponding localized versions are available. 2019-11-06 09:27
Defect #32422 (Closed): Textile indentation does not work in the preview tab
I entered the following textile in the issue description field and confirmed to the previ ... 1px solid #ccc;}actual_not_show_indent.png! 2019-11-06 07:37
Defect #32420 (Needs feedback): Issue redirect after login not working
I am seeing issues with redirects after login. When I go to an issue URL while logged out I expect to be redirected to the issue after logging in. I'm seeing this on. Steps to reproduce: * log out * go to /issues/12345 ** I get redirected to /login? * log in ** I get redirected to /my/page ** expecting to be /issues/12345 MacOS / Chrome 77.0.3865.90 Env ... 1.0.3 redmine_multiprojects_issue 4.0.0 redmine_open_links_in_new_window ... heme_changer 0.4.0 Thanks, James 2019-11-05 23:15
Defect #32416 (Closed): Visual editor preview "No route matches"
Hi, When I write a page (wiki, knowledge b ... help me please ? Thank you. Best regards 2019-11-05 13:31
Defect #32411 (Closed): How to just send notifications, but not email?
i just want to receive the red button notific ... me. how to do that? can you help me? !! 2019-11-05 09:08
Feature #32406 (Closed): [ISSUE RELATIONS] Add several relations at a time
For the moment the relations can be added one ... , sending an array of relations, for example. 2019-11-04 21:55
Defect #32404 (New): Group results is different between MySQL and PostgreSQL
Recently we've migrated a huge DB from MySQL ... ciated since many of our users want to group issues by assignee to find unassigned issues. Also it would be nice if Redmine works con ... PostgreSQL </pre> Thank you. 2019-11-04 15:56