



Results (12110)

Defect #32299 (New): Cannot add some filters in Gantt if Issue tracking module is disabled for the project
You cannot use the following filters in Gantt if Issue tracking module is disabled for the project. But other issue related filters such as Tracker, Priority, S ... arted GET "/queries/filter?project_id=1&type=IssueQuery&name=author_id" for at 2019-1 ... Parameters: {"project_id"=>"1", "type"=>"IssueQuery", "name"=>"author_id"} . . . Rend ... (Views: 6.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms) </pre> 2019-10-18 10:41
Patch #32296 (Closed): Ignore rubocop offense
I found a rubocop offense is remaining. <p ... ch to ignore it like other migration files. 2019-10-18 08:42
Patch #32294 (Closed): Update ruby-openid to 2.9.2
We have to update ruby-openid to the latest v ... 11027 I have confirmed with ruby-openid 2. ... ith Redmine 3.4-stable, 4.0-stable, and trunk 2019-10-18 05:46
Defect #32293 (Closed): Redmine does not start if optional openid gems are not installed
At source:tags/4.0.4/Gemfile#L28, openid gems ... s.rb:4:in `<top (required)>' . . . </pre> 2019-10-18 04:15
Feature #32288 (Closed): migration of project with roles etc.
Hi Guys, i´m building up a bigger project ... tc., after i´m done to the prod-system. 2019-10-16 07:40
Feature #32287 (Closed): How to change the mail notification template?
Hi, team, I am using Bitnami Redmine 4.0.0 ... 've only enabled the email notification for 'Issue added' and 'Issue updated'. When the email notification was t ... htdocs/app/views/mailer) of Redmine, I think issue_add.text.erb and issue_edit.text.erb should be the two configuratio ... e help to check this. Thanks in advance. 2019-10-16 03:49
Feature #32278 (New): Display Global Roadmap without any tracker
The idea : - Display Roadmap page without ... rakcers (with ordering) and save result like Issues page... Thank you for your great work. best regards 2019-10-15 11:12
Feature #32248 (Closed): Change the default v ... displayed on project activity" setting to 10
Activity shows 30 days of project activities ... +++ b/config/settings.yml @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ issues_export_limit: default: 500 activity_d ... 00' search_results_per_page: </code></pre> 2019-10-14 04:33
Defect #32246 (New): [Redmine API] functionality to export whole wiki
I'm trying to export my whole wiki via the Re ... up the wiki this way in an automated fashion. 2019-10-13 22:01
Feature #32240 (Closed): Add download buttons in Files columns of the issues list
You can add the "Files" column to the issues list. In the column, names of the attached ... con beside the filename, like attachments on issue pages or wiki pages. Currently, you need to ... nload the file (1. click the filename on the issues list, 2. click the download link on the pre ... 823px; border: 1px solid #ccc;}.after@2x.png! 2019-10-11 07:22
Patch #32238 (Closed): Improvement of the German translation
Hi, I have revised the German translation ... .0-stable@ are attached. Thanks, Thomas 2019-10-10 11:23
Defect #32233 (Closed): Portuguese Brazilian language is not being applied
When the default language is set to pt-BR it should use pt-BR.yml but it is applying pt.yml 2019-10-09 19:30
Defect #32223 (Closed): Disable sprockets to ... ManifestNeededError raised by sprockets 4.0.0
Redmine doesn't start with Sprockets::Railtie ... esheets .css and restart your server </pre> 2019-10-09 02:59
Patch #32210 (Closed): Traditional Chinese translation (to r18602)
* New tags added ** label_issue_fixed_version_updated 2019-10-07 05:40
Patch #32202 (Closed): Japanese translation update (r18593)
<pre><code class="diff"> diff --git a/config ... th: 前方一致 label_ends_with: 後方一致 - label_issue_fixed_version_updated: Target version updated + label_issue_fixed_version_updated: 対象バージョンの更新 </code></pre> 2019-10-05 11:59
Defect #32201 (New): Issue auto-assignment to JPL based on Website category
Is this still desirable/needed? 2019-10-05 05:26
Defect #32200 (Closed): Handle bot activity
See the following messages: * message#5812 ... se accounts need to be locked/deleted also. 2019-10-05 05:23
Defect #32198 (Closed): Issues associated revisions not showing due to bad reference to lvar instead of ivar
Fixes bad references on issue_controller This is the error <pre> NameError in IssuesController#issue_tab undefined local variable or method `changesets' for #<IssuesController:0x0000556756ef61f0> Did you mean ... when 'changesets' #206 @changesets = @issue.changesets.visible.preload(:repository, :use ... verse_order? #208 render :partial => 'issues/tabs/changesets', :locals => {:changesets = ... associated with the action. Override </pre> 2019-10-04 21:26
Patch #32196 (Closed): Allow import time entries for other users
#28234 allows importing time entries only for ... "Import time entries" as we already have for issues. On the long term, I think option 2 it' ... : - it's consistent with the behaviour from issues - we can allow importing time entries on multiple projects once. Any feedback is welcome. 2019-10-04 13:30
Defect #32194 (Closed): Calendar page lacks buttons to manage custom queries
You can apply existing custom queries to Cale ... t", or "Delete" buttons for queries. Like Issues and Gantt, the Calendar page should also ha ... lid #ccc;}.no-edit-and-delete-buttons@2x.png! 2019-10-04 08:52
Defect #32191 (New): Duplicate associated revisions when using multiple repositories for a project
I have a project that has several repositorie ... en a commit is made to Repo A the associated issue displays the associated revision entry twice ... scm binary version: svn 1.8.10 No plugins 2019-10-04 02:20
Defect #32187 (Closed): Email notifications and create ticket
Hi, I have redmine application in my compa ... is problem or is not possible ? ty, Brice 2019-10-03 13:42
Defect #32184 (Closed): Incorrect headings example in Textile help
Example in the help (source:tags/4.0.4/public ... h2. Subheading h3. Subsubheading </pre> 2019-10-03 08:37
Defect #32183 (New): Notification sub-events for "Issue updated" does not cover all events which consist its parent
You can configure notification events in "Adm ... ould be sent.". In the section, you can see "Issue updated" and its sub-events, "Note added", " ... nee updated", and "Priority updated". The issue I am going to point out is that the four sub ... all notification types that handled by the "Issue updated" event. For example, add/remove relations trigger notifications if "Issue updated" is enabled. But there is no such su ... e misleading. Many users misunderstand that "Issue updated" consists of "Note added", "Status u ... gnee updated", and " Priority updated". But "Issue updated" includes some other "hidden" events ... f relation. Probably users never think that "Issue updated" includes "hidden" events. My ide ... the problem is to add a new sub-event "Other ... 2019-10-03 07:16
Feature #32181 (New): Auto Status Change from New to In Progress
Hi All, Is there any way to change status automatically when we update the new issue? Thanks, Ahmet 2019-10-02 11:08