



Results (18047)

Help: How to add new files when edit the notes again?
Files can be added for the first time while adding new notes to issues. !can add new files.png! How can I add or ... e note again? !nowhere to add new files.png! 2023-02-01 06:43
Open discussion: RE: How change link in projects to issue/new page?
sorry, I could not reproduce this. I can dire ... r configuration you have a '+' tab or a "new issue" tab in the project overview home page. w ... enshot of the page you want to be redirected? 2023-01-30 11:51
Help: RE: Email sending error - issue with self signed certs
I have the same problem on Redmine 5.0.4 with ... elp. This error did not occur on Redmine 4.x. 2023-01-27 09:47
Help: RE: What means "customized_id" in table "custom_values"
customized_type and customized_id refer to th ... example, if the value of customized_type is "Issue" and the value of customized_id is 123, this indicates that the CustomValue is for an issue with id 123. 2023-01-27 07:50
Help: RE: Inline editing of issue attributes
Check, great job! 2023-01-26 15:07
Help: RE: Inline editing of issue attributes
Works like a charm! 2023-01-26 15:05
Help: RE: Inline editing of issue attributes
Great plugin. 2023-01-26 15:03
Help: Time tracking: Logging time via commit messages : syntax
Hello, After a bunch of syntax tests on my R ... e to get spent time recorded into my redmine issue using the following syntax: <pre> refs #123 @1h </pre> I didn't manage with any other issue reference keywords (provided in the administ ... opper are used to the *#id* syntax to change issue status or progress, I wanted to use the *#id ... e settings? Thank you for any information. 2023-01-24 11:59
Help: RE: Project name in "related issues" for cross-project links
Harald Deischinger wrote: > Is there some ... => true@ argument to the respective @link_to_issue()@ call by changing the following line in so ... > value.to_s(item) {|other| link_to_issue(other, :subject => false, :tracker => false) ... > value.to_s(item) {|other| link_to_issue(other, :subject => false, :tracker => false, ... soon as possible first. A bunch of security issues were fixed in the intermediate releases (yo ... visories]] yourself to see the whole list). 2023-01-24 11:08
Help: Project name in "related issues" for cross-project links
When in the details view of an issue the related issues are nicely prefixed with the other project. ... d like to see that other project also in the issues table. Is there some configuration I have ... I am using redmine 4.2.3. Thanks 2023-01-23 15:16
Help: Assign issues to different roles
Hi everyone, is it possible to make a selection which role can assign issues to another role? (e.g. The reporter can assign the issue only to the project manager. The project manager decides to assign this issue to a third role. But there shouldn´t be a way the reporter can assign this issue directly to this third mentsioned role.) Thank you! Andrea 2023-01-20 09:59
Help: Parent Issue Tracker
I am needing to be able to create a custom query that I can group by the tracker of the parent issue. I have not found any plugin to make this field available. Can you help me? Thanks! 2023-01-17 15:58
Help: Issue List Does Not Match Selected Columns in Issue Tracking Setting
Hi again, In Admin > Settings > Issue Tracking, I have set the Selected Columns to ... ject Name - Subject ... However, in the Issue List (aka "All Issues") page, the order is: - Project Id (lock ... ) - Project Name - Parent Task - ... have something misconfigured? Thanks! -S. 2023-01-15 02:04
Help: Use Project Identifier Instead of Project Name in Issue List
Hi everyone, In 5.0, we can go to Admin > Settings > Issue Tracking and set the default columns to use in the Issue List (aka All Issues) page. However, in the list of available co ... so the Project can get very long, making the issue list almost unreadable. Ideally, I'd like ... and specifically this line: Qu ... y help would be greatly appreciated, -Scott. 2023-01-15 02:01
Help: Performance issue - Issues list - Redmine 5.0.4
Hello All, I encounter performance issue since 5.0.4 release. Could you help me ? ... gins: no plugin installed </pre> +Issue+ List some issues is really slower than with redmine 3 branch ... command. Slow request : <pre> SELECT `issues`.`id` AS t0_r0, `issues`.`tracker_id` AS t0_r1, `issues`.`project_id` AS t0_r2, `issues`.`subject` AS t0_r3, `issues`.`description` AS t0_r4, `issues`.`due_date` AS t0_r5, `issues`.`category_id` AS t0_r6, `issues`.`status_id` AS t0_r7, `issues`.`assigned_to_id` AS t0_r8, `issues`.`priority_id` AS t0_r9, `issues`.`fixed_version_id` AS t0_r10, `issue... 2023-01-13 17:26
Open discussion: Consolidation time for Status Mails
Dear all, I am a mere Redmine User. I see that often issues are modified a few times within a short per ... l corrections/additions. One example: an issue record was copied (without changing the titl ... ion with an email recipient that a duplicate issue was started and following the link the new c ... A function button could be introduced in the issue edition mask to trigger immediate status mai ... could be omitted, if desired) Cheers ufa 2023-01-10 12:04
Help: Contextual menu does'nt appear after scrolling down
I installed latest redmine 5 and when I'm on issue list, right click is working but if I scroll ... ers without success. Anyone has a clue? 2023-01-09 14:23
Help: OH-Redmine-0035: Error occurred while processing request.
How we can solve this error? --> Reason: E ... r could not handle the request POST /redmine/issues.xml. 2023-01-09 11:33
Help: How can I make vertical splited view in My Page?
!redmine_mypage.png! I want to make a vertical splited view with "Watched issues" and "Spent time" just like attached screenshot that shows "Issue assigned to me" and "Reported issues" but I can't make it by drag & drop. How can I make it? 2023-01-09 07:04
Plugins: Checklist plugin fails on Redmine 5.0.4
After updating to Redmine 5.0.4 recently a re ... was noticed on adding a checklist to the new issue. But later it was found that in fact same er ... :709:in `mail' app/models/mailer.rb:123:in `issue_edit' app/models/mailer.rb:48:in `process' ... ollers/checklists_controller.rb:127:in `with_issue_journal' plugins/redmine_checklists/app/con ... :709:in `mail' app/models/mailer.rb:123:in `issue_edit' app/models/mailer.rb:48:in `process' ... ollers/checklists_controller.rb:127:in `with_issue_journal' plugins/redmine_checklists/app/con ... </pre> Actually, this looks like a bug... 2023-01-06 00:33
Help: RE: Redmine 5: RuntimeError when reloading Rails console
I have created Patch #38155 to fix the issue. Thomas 2023-01-05 18:25
Help: Redmine 5: RuntimeError when reloading Rails console
Hi! When I start a Rails console in _devel ... mentally doing something wrong or is this an issue that still needs to be fixed? Thanks, Thomas 2023-01-04 18:31
Help: Why the user assigned to a issue changes when the status is changed?
Hi to all. I have a problem without issue assignation. If I assign a issue to an user in "new" state, when the user changes to another status, the issue is assigned to another user. I think that th ... o fix the user along all the workflow to the issue. Help would be appreciated. Thanks. - Red ... itnami image, manual installation) - MariaDB 2023-01-04 18:21
Help: How to add fields to JSONP output?
Hello! I've installed plugin to support tags (addition_tags) for Redmine and when I filter issues in HTML view or export it to CSV or PDF, I can choose issue tags as one of the colums and it works pretty good and I can see tags for every filtered issue in output. But, unfortunately, the same does ... sible to add "tags" field to JSON output for issue filtering queries mode? Is it necessary t ... in Redmine? Thanks! Best regards, Mike 2023-01-03 20:16
Open discussion: How to remove << Me >> in projects
Hello Friends, How to remove <<Me>> from assigned to in new issue in projects? thank you 2023-01-03 11:44