



Results (18047)

Plugins: RE: Is there a plugin that exports issues as pdf's and sends them as email?
I think I'm going to fall back on using an alternative menu (rather than the issues screen) and fallback on bash scripting to u ... i to send a text email of the ticket contents 2021-12-06 17:19
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
First what I will go to check is Setting > Fi ... type, like *.XLS, ... Did you check it? 2021-12-06 12:00
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
no clue 2021-12-06 09:18
Help: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
Hello,when I comment issue via email, the text can obtained by redmine, ... em Redmine plugins: issue_mail_with_attachments 0.9.0 Thanks 2021-12-06 09:11
Open discussion: Is it possible gat tags information via REST API ?
Hello, I'm playing with REST API and I don't ... tion about getting tags that was added to an issues thanks to the tag plugin I have seen that ... REST API ? Thank you in advance Regards RV 2021-12-05 20:29
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
But can this pluging be connected to the mega calendar plugin filter? 2021-12-04 22:44
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
we use this plugin: ... you can add users, even multiple (hold CTRL) 2021-12-04 01:16
Plugins: RE: Is there a plugin that exports issues as pdf's and sends them as email?
I'm not sure if plugins is the right place fo ... ny part of the page, but not add a button in Issues. Default menu's I can inject a "pdfmailer" ... u What I'd like to do is have a button in Issues (maybe for a particular project) that when clicked it sends the issue as a pdf to a set of users [selected from a ... ost as to even how to add a custom button to issues. alternatively I'm thinking about using ... 2749/save-web-page-directly-to-pdf-using-js 2021-12-03 21:57
Help: Ubuntu 16.04 + Redmine 3.4.4 to U20.04 and RM4.2.3
Hi all! In our company we have been runnin ... and about 20 users, and we just passed 4000 issues. 1. Is it normal for it to take so long ... ound a computer. Limited coding skills. 2021-12-03 14:40
Open discussion: RE: Show Description in Issues Table?
I am facing the same issue. I also would like to having the description as a regular column in the issue list. The best solution, I have found so far is by modifying the source code in @models\issue_query.rb@ line 73 changing from @Quer ... ew(:description),@ Any better solutions? 2021-12-01 10:21
Development: RedmineReceivingEmails - Add support for project (numeric ID)
For the following reasons, it would be very a ... : *** *Project Name*: * If you only has the project (numeri ... ECT identifier of the target project 2021-12-01 08:59
Open discussion: Application error Rails application failed to start properly issue
Hi all, I've already installed redmine and ... tion on internet. Any help please? 2021-11-29 20:50
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
Hi, unfortunately you cannot with vanilla Redmine. But this is also a breaking strategy respect to issue assignee design. You should write your own ... ou can also put user format custom fields on issues. Lorenzo 2021-11-28 18:34
Plugins: How to save form_for form in database?
This message is a continuation of [[https://w ... oards/3/topics/56954]] where I add button on issues list and issue details. I add informations into issues list and issue details Redmine pages by injected html code ... rder to create maps and manage georeferenced issues, a "pointes" table allows each Issue to be geolocalized. This table contains the Id of the Issue, the id of the pointes, a point (postgresql ... b This will run the app/views/<plugin name>/issue/_issus_details.html.erb file to inject code into the issue view page and it works fine. view_hook_li ... end # rewrite select for trackers on issue form // view_issues_show_details_bottom def view_issues_show_details_bottom(context={}) ... 2021-11-25 09:54
Development: RE: How to make issue filter select box to keep the last value
you need an array composed only of strings. ... me,id| > values << [name.to_s,id.to_s] > }@ 2021-11-24 23:36
Help: Multiple Assignee for one issue
Helo i am trying to find a way how to assign multiple Assignee to one issue. So in issues->attibutes file i am making <% if @issue.safe_attribute? 'assigned_to_id' %> <p><%= ... signed_to_id, principals_options_for_select(@issue.assignable_users, @issue.assigned_to), :include_blank => false, :multiple => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('assigned_to_id') %></p> ... mega_calendar 1.7.4 </pre> 2021-11-22 10:47
Help: RE: Issues with running redmine on a Debian 10 Apache server
Hi Mario There are some more things you co ... was helpful of them. Best Regards, Liane 2021-11-22 08:51
Help: RE: Issues with running redmine on a Debian 10 Apache server
Thanks for the help Liane, I see, I should tr ... y next? Your help is appreciated, Mario 2021-11-20 03:09
Help: RE: How to get information about [Issue status] through redmine api
Did you already configure your api? Administr ... Api I'm getting the infomation like this /issues/9.json or like this /issues.json?issue_id=9. Hope this help :D 2021-11-19 21:05
Help: RE: Issues with running redmine on a Debian 10 Apache server
Hi Mario, Thank you for all the informatio ... </IfModule> </pre> Best Regards, Liane 2021-11-19 15:14
Help: Issues with running redmine on a Debian 10 Apache server
I have been running redmine for a longtime, i ... an 10 and lost the installation owing to the issues in porting redmine to the new bullseye repo ... I can login and all my projects, posts, and issues are there. Then I tried to set up redmin ... .1.4.1 Any help is appreciated, thank you. 2021-11-19 12:50
Help: git repository not showing all branches.
Hi I am using turnkey image for redmine. I ha ... for a project as in the attached image. The issue is with branches selection. it only shows th ... git pull to update the repo from this UI? 2021-11-17 09:16
Plugins: computed custom field plugin
im use this formula to calculate the total cfs[2] type float if tracker_id==88 project.issues.includes(:custom_values).where(tracker_id:88).to_a.sum {|issue|issue.custom_field_value(144).to_f} end the prob ... d resave how i can calualte it in first time 2021-11-16 21:09
Plugins: RE: Plugin - Issues reminder
But I'm a simple user, not a developer, admin ... ng. How do I make this work as a simple user? 2021-11-16 16:27
Plugins: RE: Plugin - Issues reminder
Unfortunately I cannot answer that. But I ass ... t without a plugin ... you can still buy it;) 2021-11-15 11:53