



Results (18047)

Development: Need clarification on how to update or post data to redmine
Hi Team, We are trying to update and post ... .PutAsync("", httpContent).ConfigureAwait(false); Kindly help us in this. 2021-10-25 12:20
Job offers: looking for somebody to port redmine_openid_provider plugin to 4.x
We're using the redmine_openid_provider plugi ... for pluging code See for a description of failed attempts so far. 2021-10-24 15:40
Help: Error when email is sent for open ticke ... or: certificate verify failed (unable to get issuer certificate)
Hi to all, i work on it office where is used ... or: certificate verify failed (unable to get issuer certificate) (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) from ... dapter Mailer delivery smtp 2021-10-19 19:01
Open discussion: Wiki or Knowledgebase Update notifications
Hi, is there any way to receive a notificatio ... d by a user? Just like how you can watch an issue and receive updates? 2021-10-14 00:11
Open discussion: Send email to custom field recipient
I have a custom field called "assigned engineer" or something like that. So the ask was when an issue is created, to send an email to all mentioned users in the ticket the issue (or at least the fields I specify). Is th ... ? Any clues/hints would be much appreciated. 2021-10-13 19:34
Plugins: Is there a plugin that exports issues as pdf's and sends them as email?
I have a request by my team to match existing ... for users to be notified via email about new issues, but is there a tool that can send an issue as an exported pdf? 2021-10-13 19:29
Help: RE: Are the installation instructions outdated?
For what it's worth, I've been using Redmine ... aDB version 10.4 for over a year now with no issues whatsoever. I can't speak to PostgreSQL. 2021-10-13 15:09
Help: Automatic weekly report of issues
Hi, I'm trying to make "somehow" automatic reporting of opened issues. How I thing about it: 1) Filter 2) List of issues group by assignee 3) Scheduled task, which every Monday morning at 7 O'Clock generate list of issues (use defined filtr in poing 1)) 4) Check e ... from assignee 5) Create PDF file with only issues where email addresses match (for example: I've 1000 issues, but I'm assigned to 10, so the PDF file wi ... redmine_wysiwyg_editor 0.21.0 </pre> 2021-10-06 17:17
Help: Redmine hangs for a long time when not used
Hello, I installed Redmine on Windows Server 2019, I have an issue with server reply waiting time. When I do no ... ly, but I need a solution. Thanks in advance. 2021-10-04 12:16
Help: Redmine LDAPS Authentication
Hello all, I've recently updated Redmine t ... rtificate verify failed (unable to get local issuer certificate)) When I try this in CLI on ... to get the certificate? Regards, Paul 2021-09-29 17:26
Help: RE: Redmine 404 error on Ubuntu 20.04
Thanks, I did not think it can be the issue. Fixed to 8081 in IIS and Redmine config, moved to root, working correctly. 2021-09-28 14:59
Help: RE: Updating all issues that have a certain value for a custom field
So far I was able to do the following (which ... e> Project.find_by(identifier: 'project-a').issues.joins(:custom_values).where("custom_field_i ... lue='A'").update_all(status_id: 13) </pre> 2021-09-28 09:00
Help: Updating all issues that have a certain value for a custom field
I have the following code that allows me to bulk-update all issues that are in a certain status (1) to another ... e> Project.find_by(identifier: 'project-a').issues.where(status_id: 1).update_all(status_id: 1 ... ould like to do the same thing, but only for issues that have a certain value 'A' for a custom ... e> Project.find_by(identifier: 'project-a').issues.where(status_id: 1).select{|issue| issue.custom_field_value(70) == 'A'}.update_all(st ... ou know a way how I could further filter the issues according to a certain value of their custo ... Ideally, the approach would not load all the issues into memory and then interate over them. 2021-09-28 08:49
Help: Redmine no longer working after upgrade vom Debian 10 to 11
Hi all, For months my installation was doi ... wrong. > > We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. My A ... at is going wrong. Kind regards, Joanne 2021-09-25 15:43
Help: RE: prevent a user from seeing other issue created by another user
FWIW: Redmine core doesn't provide support for an issue visibility setting that affects watchers. See #8488, #14318 and #23546. These issues also provide a range of community patches that adds support for this though. 2021-09-22 02:08
Help: I need to change the email notification information
I need to change the email notification inf ... ssage I get a route http://localhost:3000/issues/163#change-365 where do i edit that? 2021-09-21 20:00
Help: RE: prevent a user from seeing other issue created by another user
Hello,thank you for your response. I created X role and set Issue visibility - Issue created by or assigned to the user. When i created New issue and add watchers to this issue ,members X role cannot see this issue. For example X role , members- user1,user2 when user1 creates new issue and add user2 as a watchers ,user2 cannot see this issue. How i can configure the permission of the X role so that the user2 can see the issue of the user1? 2021-09-20 07:01
Help: RE: prevent a user from seeing other issue created by another user
Hello, yes should be possible. You have to use roles for issuer and assignee with Issue Visibility attribute set to _Issues Created by or assigned to the user_. None in the project should have a role with all issues visibility... Thanks Lorenzo 2021-09-18 17:52
Help: Failover cluster with Redmine
Hello, I need help for deploying Redmine on ... d file storage to work correctly. The second issue can be done using file share with Offline mo ... e I am missing something? Thanks in advance! 2021-09-17 00:18
Open discussion: RE: "Watcher" report
Since version 4.0.0 there is the option to filter issues by a specific watcher (#8160). In 4.2.0 th ... as extended to work at global scope (#34700). 2021-09-16 19:51
Help: RE: Automatically delete closed issues older than 365 days
One modification to the above suggestion... ... roy to make sure that all callbacks for your issues are applied (things like clearing up issue relations, links and removing attachments fr ... le > p = Project.find("$project_name") > p.issues.where("closed_on < '#{365.days.ago}'").each ... rform this actions across all projects... > Issue.where("closed_on < '#{365.days.ago}'").each( ... at is performed via the Redmine web interface 2021-09-16 19:42
Open discussion: "Watcher" report
Hello community! Does anyone know how to create a report/query for issues watched by someone else? 2021-09-16 19:20
Help: RE: Redmine 404 error on Ubuntu 20.04
Nevermind, I am an idiot. Running: bundle exec rails server webrick -e production solved my issue. 2021-09-16 17:09
Development: API Rest - Image attachments broken
Hello folks, this is the issue I'm having right now: *Summary*: Whenever ... unctions upload an attachment to an existing issue, so that's why I make use of the PUT method, ... r each image file there was attached to this issue. *Steps to reproduce:* My requests lo ... body = { "issue": { "uploads": [ ... response = requests.put( url_objetivo + '/issues/{}.json'.format( issue_id_finder( issue)), json=body, headers={"Content-Type":"appli ... depending the case. Any advice? 2021-09-16 16:19
Help: RE: I receive email notifications of my own changes despite explicit settings to avoid this
I finally got time to figure this out. It was a silly thing. The issue was that actually I got emails from two diff ... it. Redmine is innocent, just my bad memory! 2021-09-16 16:14