



Results (18047)

Help: Activity missing from activity view
Hi, I am having trouble with some items no ... vity view. For example, I created two new issues - one in each of two projects. One issue is a "Task" and the other is a "Feature". ... - Rails v: - Database: PostgreSQL 2020-11-18 02:40
Help: Exporting formatted / expanded Issue content - what am I missing?
I'm trying to replicate in Redmine the equiva ... uery to pull down a list of all the included Issues & Descriptions to include in our release no ... and markdown content. The Atom feed from the Issues List _will_ pull down the formatted / expan ... Notes_. Whereas the Atom feed for the single Issue itself _will_ pull down the Atom feed for th ... Atom feeds also only contain a subset of the Issue's fields. So the only way I can come up with ... treme case) download all info about a set of Issues with the appropriate field formatting is: # Use the REST API to query for the required issues # For each issue use the REST API to download the Issue detail with Journal entries - ie all the Issue's fields # For each issue, get the formatted form of the Issue... 2020-11-18 00:40
Help: Task from email not working
Hello experts, need your help. I am trying to configure tasks/issues creation from email. I am using plugin "Red ... Mysql2 Has anyone seen this issue? Any suggestions are highly appreciated. 2020-11-16 23:41
Plugins: New Plugin Announcement: Red Counter
Hi all, I'm happy to announce the first release of Red Counter, a plugin for setting up issue-related counters. Please download it at: ... Hoping this could be useful to someone! 2020-11-15 22:15
Open discussion: RE: Redmine is not able to receive emails and create issues using imap functionality of Redmine
While I am searching I found this issue. Your server doesn't to imap, make sure your server responds to imap protocol. 2020-11-13 01:18
Help: Help with emails to submitter
I just upgraded our Redmine 3.1 to 4.11. New ... imap with unknown_user=create option. The issue we're having with 4.1.1 is new accounts are ... not back to the submitter. We never had this issue with 3.1.1. I eventually discovered that ... of the project? Thanks for your help. 2020-11-12 23:58
Help: Watcher as temporary member?
Hi, I have nice quest. So here is example. ... I need to see this only members. 2) I add issue, I'm member of this project. 3) BUT I need to add my friend as watcher or assignee, because this issue hit his work too, but my friend isn't member ... im as watcher, but he DOESN'T see project or issue and he isn't notified. I CAN'T add him as a ... this everytime when I need him to watch the issue/s. **QUESTION:** If my friend add as Wat ... se I need to see this only members 2) I add issue, I'm member of this project. 3) I add non- ... list of projects - non-member user can see issue from private project, where is watcher - non-member can add comment, etc. issue from private project, where is watcher (temp ... , all public. Almost everytime I need to get issue from one project to another, like from POOL to SW HELP and I need to keep user access to his ... 2020-11-09 17:52
Help: RE: Un-Redirect Wiki Page?
Since I got here first while looking for a so ... neat workaround, see 2020-11-09 16:29
Help: How can I display custom field in Issues to show up on Project overview
Hi, New to redmine. I would like to know ... o display custom fields that are created for Issue Trackers to appear in project overview. Exa ... how any A, B, C there are among all Trackers. 2020-11-07 04:01
Help: CSV/PDF issue report shows old assignee many hours after it has been changed
Hi, one of our users reported that 20 hours after reassigning an issue to someone else she saw the previous assigne ... ge) I'm seeing the correct assignee for that issue. Is there a (configurable) delay/schedule ... base adapter PostgreSQL </pre> 2020-11-05 15:52
Help: RE: Issue Setting Up Email receive_imap
WTF..... The issue was: The project had to be in lower capitals.... I changed to "it-projekte" and it works now!! 2020-11-04 11:10
Help: Issue Setting Up Email receive_imap
First of all I tried to set up the receive_im ... advance for your help. Regards, Thilo 2020-11-04 11:06
Help: Bitnami Redmine Server support required
Hi, I have Bitnami Redmine latest ... as listed below, we are facing some serious issues while browsing Redmine server and facing issues error 502 Proxy Error (Reason: Error readin ... mine_dashboard 2.7.1 redmine_issues_tree 0.0.14 2020-11-03 13:36
Plugins: RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Is this plugin alive and supported? The [Gith ... hedules-plugin) link does not seem to work... 2020-11-02 14:42
Help: Private Mode by issues update
Hello, I've worked once with a redmine app w ... e if anyone could give me a hint. Thank you! 2020-10-29 13:52
Help: Any one knows about "Custom workflow" to remove all watchers when status changed?
Any one knows about "Custom workflow" to remo ... uld you provide about remove all watchers in issue. ex: self.remove_watcher(???) thank you very much!! 2020-10-29 04:46
Open discussion: RE: Export all issues from all projects to CSV
One tip I saw on some guy's web page on how t ... ituation, that would allow you to export all issues from the "master project" and it would give ... , but might save a lot of time down the road. 2020-10-28 14:17
Help: RE: How to add tabs to a project?
Hi Rob, did you ever manage to resolve this issue? I am new to Redmine and cannot find an answer to the same question you had. 2020-10-28 14:02
Help: Group results by Priority is showing disturbed UI.
Hello Redmine Community, I'm currently using Redmine version: "3.3.3" and I have been facing an issue while using the "Group results by" feature w ... epeating. I'm attaching a snapshot of the issue. Any help will be highly appreciable. Thanks. 2020-10-28 12:01
Help: Python api timezone setting
Hello, I have problem using redmine python api. For example when I use "issue.created_on" to get ticket creation date, I o ... by-aware server used = Webrick Thank you 2020-10-28 10:06
Open discussion: Force a job/work card to be attached as a 'file' before call/issue to be closed.
Good day to all. I was wondering if it is ... e job card) is a requirement before the call/issue can be closed? If this can be done please let me know. 2020-10-27 12:22
Open discussion: RE: Migrate ONE project to another Redmine server
Current Redmine could filter the issues and send them to the REST API of the extern ... to_redmine => :environment do query = => Project.find(123), :nam ... ent_id', '!*', ['']) # query.add_filter("issue_id", '><', ['32500', '42100']) issues = Issue.joins(:status, :tracker, :project, :priority).where(query.statement).to_a issues.sort.each do |issue| migrate_issue, nil end end def migrate_issue id, parent_id issue = Issue.find(id) created = {POST issue to the REST API of the external server} if created for child in issue... 2020-10-25 00:58
Plugins: RE: Add a new column in Redmine issue SLA plugin.
Hi Sebastian, I try to use your plugin. A ... can help with to write how it should be work. 2020-10-23 16:53
Help: Add Issue Custom Week Column
Hello, I'm new in redmine platform. I stil ... add custom week column in available week in issue. What I want to do is add another available ... dy tried to add some code, *../app/models/issue_query.rb*, :sortable => "#{Issue.table_name}.week_start", :groupable => true) ... start @week_start ||= [ issues.minimum('start_date'), shared_versions.minimum('effective_date'), Issue.fixed_version(shared_versions).minimum('star ... @ def week_start @week_start ||= fixed_issues.minimum('start_date') end @ This week ... server error. I've get error, Rendered issues/_list.html.erb (20.7ms) Rendered my/blocks/_issues.erb (28.0ms) Rendered my/page.html.erb w ... ::Error (undefined method `week_start' for #<Issue... 2020-10-22 08:21
Help: RE: 500 error during the time entry update after upgrading to 4.1.1.
Hello, We are faceing the same problem. W ... :35:48.799573 #1] FATAL -- : app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:580:in `block in save_issue_with_child_records' </pre> And yes we ex ... 3.3.1 to 4.1.1 is required to do the upgrade 2020-10-21 11:10