



Results (505)

Issuelimits plugin
Redmine plugin for new issue limitation. Plugin allow block creation of new issue when limit of opened issue reached. Limits can be specified per project or per tracker inside project. 2011-10-26 20:24
A redmine plugin to suppress email notifications (at will) when updating issues. Especially useful for silent mass-updat ... project participants with your minor update. 2011-10-18 22:42
RT Import
This plugin will import XML files exported fr ... reate users, parent project, subprojects and issues in Redmine. It can also be used to update t ... MS. Existing users are recognised by name. Issues are created or updated as well from the MS ... dmine supports only one user assigned to the issue, and in MS Project there can be many, issues are duplicated for each additional resource working on them. 2011-10-17 16:08
h1. Redmine Checklists plugin – the best rate ... mine plugin. Adds checklist functionality to Issues. Features: * Add, delete and mark as "D ... ht: bold;} Templates% Fasten creating new issues and projects by creating and using checklis ... chet MS; font-weight: bold;} Integrated with issue history log% All changes made to checklist are automatically added to the issue history log. p{float:left; width: 50%;}. ... &utm_campaign=RedmineOrg-Checklists-GetPlugin 2011-10-17 08:04
Redmine Wiki SQL
This plugin allows a redmine user to run SQL ... t redmine's database. That is a big security issue. Use it only in a controlled environment. 2011-09-29 20:33
Redmine Due Date By Default
Plugin automatically sets due date of the issue based on the due date field of the target version 2011-09-28 12:01
Redmine Email Reminder
h1. Redmine PyReminder A Redmine email rem ... ser reminding them of a configurable set of issues. PyReminder is a Python script that is s ... ker Licensed under the GPLv2 only license. 2011-09-24 00:03
Redmine Importer allows importing issues in bulk from .csv files. Fields will defau ... ridden at the confirmation screen. Existing issues can be updated, and issue relationships and custom fields are supporte ... y written by Martin Lui and Robert Chady. 2011-09-20 17:37
Issue from message
h2. Redmine issue from message plugin Plugin allows to create issue from forum message in user selected project ... two extra actions to each message: * *To issue* - for issue creation via dialog * *Quick issue* - for issue creation using default parameters h3. Create issue dialog Create issue dialog has following fields * *Select project for issue* - selection box with list of projects where issue will be created * *Prefix for issue subject* - prefix that will be added to the issue subject ([TECH], for example) * *Include message text* - if selected, issue description will contain message text * *Include link to message* - if selected, issue... 2011-08-31 17:38
Context menu watchers
h2. Context menu watchers Plugin adds 'Watchers' submenu to issues' context menu allowing to perform various watchers' related operations on selected issues: * *Watch* - add current users as watcher to selected issues * *Unwatch* - remove current user from watchers of selected issues * *Add watchers* - select users and add them as watchers to selected issues +Restrictions+: Selected issues should belong to the same project and logge ... m from the list of watchers for the selected issues +Restrictions+: Selected issues should belong to the same project and logged user should have 'Delete watchers' permission 2011-08-31 17:34
Boards/Wiki/Issues watchers management
h2. Redmine boards/wiki/issues watchers management and sticky groups plugi ... iven role h3. Watchers management for new issue dialog Plugin replaces original list of watchers in new issue creation dialog with a new and more usable. ... .0 ability to add non-members as watchers to issue not supported. h3. Issues context menu for quick watchers management ... atchers Plugin adds 'Watchers' submenu to issues' context menu allowing to perform various watchers' related operations on selected issues: * *Watch* - add current user as watcher to selected issues * *Unwatch* - remove current user from watchers of selected issues * *Add watchers* - select users and add them as watchers to selected issues +Restrictions+: Selected issues should belong to the same project and logge ... m from the list of watchers for the selected ... 2011-07-25 17:00
Graphic team workload representation, designe ... s and how many resources are consumming each issue. It shows also the timing of the issues or if a team mate is overloaded. Plugin can show:   * Average time assigned to issues. The plugin shows the amount of hours per issues within a project as well as the total of ho ... ject. Different colours are assigned to each issue.
 * This application also represents the % of hours used against the % of hours estimated for a issue. It also indicates the amount of extra time ... n. The user is responsible for any potential issues and/or data loss. 2011-07-21 16:27
Updates notifier
This plugin sends update notifications to a u ... red callback URL when changes are made to an issue within Redmine. It picks up changes made using the issue bulk-editing interface and is also smart eno ... anges made through the Redmine REST API. 2011-07-06 23:43
Hoptoad Server v2
An implementation of the Hoptoad protocol 2.0 for Redmine which automatically creates issues from notices submitted via Hoptoad notifier ... ttps:// 2011-06-12 10:49
Campfire Notifications
This plugin adds campfire support. Currently, it has hooks to report notifications on issues, messages, and the wiki. 2011-05-12 22:37
The Trackmine provides simple but effective b ... e starting a story in Pivotal and closing an issue in Redmine. The workflow in Redmine remains customizable and can be tailored to individual needs. 2011-05-03 12:53
Redmine Chuck Norris plugin
This plugin modifies the Project overview tab ... ll also approve the project if more than 50% issues are closed. 2011-04-25 21:19
Issue Closed Date
A plugin that records the end date, allowing to filter by this date, and include it on issues list 2011-04-02 01:46
Notifo notifications
Plugin which integrates Notifo push notifications with Redmine. When an issue is created or updated you will receive push notifications. 2011-03-31 16:03
Extended Profile
*This plugin requires the "Extended Fields":/ ... formation about users themselves - only what issues did they add, what changes did they make et ...! 2011-03-30 21:58
The Meta tags are widely used for "SEO":http: ... rview page, version pages, Wiki pages, news, issues, forum topics and user profiles. 2011-03-25 12:52
Like button (Facebook, Twitter & Google+)
This plugin adds Facebook's "Like":http://dev ... " page, Wiki pages, news, versions, roadmap, issues and forum topics. 2011-03-24 19:20
A real pastebin plugin for redmine. At last! ... the project. This is really similar to the "Issues"/"New Issue" menu items. The pastes ids are global per redmine install just like with the issues. The permissions are separated to view, ... pastes only to project members/managers. 2011-03-05 08:19
Better Gantt Chart
h1. Features The plugin imroves functionality of Redmine Gantt Chart. * *NEW*: smart sorting of issues on the chart. Now issues are sorted just like you’d expect them to. ... ount weekends, if this setting is enabled * Issues on Gantt chart connected with *arrows*. Handy! * Relations info added to issue tooltip. * Fast rescheduling of related issues. Now you can have hundreds of related issues with many levels of hierarchy, and expect t ... er date. h1. Usage # Open an existing issue in Redmine # Click Add in Related Issues section, select type of relation ‘Follows’ or ‘Precedes’ and enter # of the related issue. # Save changes. # Go to Gantt tab. 2011-03-01 23:25
Assets Plugin
Provides a central location to view all your ... s. The asset types currently supported are `Issues`, `Messages`, `Documents`, `Versions` (from ... of assets, grouped by category if applicable. 2011-02-22 17:01