


Plugins Directory » Preview attach column/image gallery

Author: Vitaly Klimov
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2012-04-01 (over 12 years ago)
Current version: 0.1.7
Compatible with: Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x
User ratings:   (0)

Redmine preview attach column & tooltips issues description

  • Adds extra column to the Issues list view which shows several issue attributes availability and displays attached images in a lightbox manner. Also plugin adds links to the lightbox galleries to the issue details/message/wiki page views.
  • Adds lightbox macro to wiki.
  • Adds options to display issue description in tooltip for the subject column


To display new column in issues list view please select column named A in the list of available columns.

New column has following behavior:

  • Single image icon displayed if issue has only one image attached. You can view it inline by clicking on it.
  • Multiple images icon displayed if issue has two or more attached images. Tooltip contains number of images and their names. You can view images inline 'gallery style' by clicking on it.
  • Paperclip button displayed if issue has non-image attachments. Tooltip contains number and names of these attachments. Clicking on icon will redirect you to issues details page.
  • Blank page displayed if issue has description
  • Quote icon displayed if issue has journal entries
  • Star displayed if issue is assigned to current user

Also issue details/message and wiki page has new link View attached images.. if there are any images attached. You can view images inline 'gallery style' by clicking on it.

Plugin options

Accessible from administrative/plugin page

Columns to preview section

  • Images
    Display image icon and allow to view attached images in a overlay gallery
  • Attachments
    Display attached files names
  • Description availability
    Display icon if issue has description
  • Journal entries availability
    Display icon if issue has journal notes
  • Issues assigned to me
    Display icon if issue assigned to current user

Image preview options section

  • Scale images to fit screen
    If set by default images would be scaled to fit user screen
  • Use animation effects
    If set animation effects will be used for opening and closing gallery

Issue description tooltip section

  • Enable
    Enables issue description tooltips in issues and gantts modules
  • Tooltip mode
    Select default tooltip mode
  • Pop-up delay
    Time (in seconds) before tooltip is shown. You can use fractions, ie 1.5

User specific options for tooltips

It is possible to control tooltips behavior for each user. To do this, create user' custom field named Description tooltips with following parameters:

  • Type: List
  • List content:
    • [0] Disable
    • [1] Simple mode
    • [2] With close button
    • [3] Persistent

You can put any text after square brackets - mode identified by number in brackets only

Lightbox macro

This macro adds lightbox galleries support to wiki pages. Macro format:


image_name could be name of the attached file, URL or repository filename. Please do not forget to surround image_name by quotes

Options are

Option Value(s) Description
type [attach,url,repo] Explicitly defines type of the image_name reference.
title "Image title" Defines link text.
description "Image description" Description displayed under image.
scale [0,1] Defines image display behavior (0-do not scale to screen, 1-scale)
group symbol Defines group id for this image. Images with similar group ids are organized in single gallery.
rev number Defines version of the file if similar files are attached (0-newest) or revision for repository entry.
repo_id identifier repository identifier if file should be fetched from different repository.
no_icon 1 Set this parameter to 1 to disable icon before link name.


  • lightbox("new image.jpg",title="Sample image N1",description="First of two",group=1,scale=0)
    Displays link with name Sample image N1. Click on link opens image attached new image.jpg with description First of two, image not scaled to the current viewport and user can browse images whose group is 1.
  • lightbox("samples/new image 2.jpg",title="Sample image N2",description="Second of two",group=1,repo_id="backup")
    Displays link with name Sample image N2. Click on link opens image samples/new image 2.jpg from project repository with id backup and with description First of two, image uses default behavior for scaling and user can browse images whose group is 1.
  • lightbox("",title="Sample image N3")
    Displays link with name Sample image N3. Click on link opens image from external URL, image uses default behavior for scaling.

Affected views/patched methods

Plugin patches following classes:

  • Query
  • QueryHelper
  • AttachmentHelper


0.1.7 (2012-06-15)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x.

  • Rails 3 (Redmine 2.x) compatibility

0.1.6 (2012-06-07)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 2.0.x.

  • New tooltip mode - persistent
  • Documentation updated

0.0.5 (2012-04-08)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x, 1.4.x.

  • Scale and animation options added
  • Added lightbox macro to create links for in-place preview images inside wiki pages

0.0.4 (2012-04-02)

Compatible with Redmine 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x.

  • PDF and CSV export compatibility bugfix

0.0.3 (2012-04-01)

Compatible with Redmine 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x.